
on Vacation

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Hi readers…

I will be on vacation from yesterday. seriously i am on vacation. so i wont be updating this space.

Read this story from Kiruba. very touching indeed. The message is clear. Please help the victims by watever extent you can. It does make a difference. 🙂

One early morning, an old man noticed a young boy at a beach picking up something and dropping it in the ocean. On closer look, he realised that there were thousands of starfish washed ashore on the beach. When the sun would rise, most of these will die on the hot sand. The young boy patiently picked up as many as he could and dropped it into the sea.

The old man approached the boy and said, “There are many thousands of them on the shore. What differece can you make? Go home, boy”.

The young boy picked up a starfish and then looked at the old man,”Sir, I may not be able to make a difference to all the thousands. But I sure will make a difference to this starfish”. So saying, he calmly walked to the sea and released the starfish into the sea.

visit one of the following links for more info on donations or contacts.

The Hindu Relief fund
more info on kiruba’s blog
Contact info of volunteers collecting clothes, food and everything

My prayers to all those who suffered the attack. May god bless us.

Tada and have a wonderful new year.


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