
Mission Statement of Group 7

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Darn… you must be thinking that we are there. Well, cant really help having a mission statement for our project group when most of us are with global perspective. 😀

After much o’ deliberation, certain musharraff in the group came up with this long and awkward sentence which disables management from thinking clearly.

We are a group committed to identifying the needs and delivering value to our customers (read Profs) by trying to increase our marginal propensity to study by the proper scheduling of work amongst various work centers by using both innovation and creativity so that the culture of the organization is maintained, no matter what may be the cost and the volume of profits generated and what may be the probability distribution of getting Kalyani* so that a viable business plan can be generated

* Kalyani is a scholorship here.

Current Y! status says: Indian Ocean @ LiveWire http://iimi-iris.com


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4 Responses to “Mission Statement of Group 7”

  1. Anonymous says:

    "Kalyani" in Hyderabad stands for a certain kinda biryani 😉 😉 😉

  2. Chandoo says:

    I thought Kalyani is a beer.

  3. LI says:

    & what is the "organisation culture?" 😉

  4. Chandoo says:

    Now.. Now... you are asking tough questions.
    according some expert organization culture is like pornography. You can only experience it. You cannot explain it.

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