
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021



Hello readers and fans…

On behalf of my family, our staff, volunteers & well-wishers, Let me wish you a very happy Christmas & prosperous new year 2021. Here is a small holiday card from Chandoo.org HQ. The kids school had a cultural festival a month ago and we got this beautiful picture at a photo booth. So much better than timer controlled DSLR on our dining table, I must say.

Thank you

2020 has been a strange year. I know many of you would have faced some form of hardship this year. So I won’t bore you with my details. Instead, let me be thankful for what it has been. Big shoutout to…

  • You – my dear reader, viewer and supporter of Chandoo.org for being with me all this time and learning.
  • My family – for supporting & loving me all these years
  • Microsoft – for creating Excel & Power BI
  • YouTube – for providing an awesome platform to share my knowledge with you
  • My teachers – too many to name, but they have always guided & inspired me
  • My partners – for helping my business and customers – big shout out to Plum Solutions & Global Excel Summit
  • My staff – Ravindra, Pothi & Chitti for being a part of our team and running our small kingdom smoothly
  • Our forum members – for lending hand to those who need help
  • My customers – more than 25,000 of them. Thank you for trusting me.
  • Blog friends – for sharing ideas and referring people to Chandoo.org
  • Software providers – for helping me run Chandoo.org – big shout out to WordPress, Elementor, Stripe, E-Junkie, WishlistMember, KnownHost, ConvertKit, Amazon, Gmail and Techsmith

This holidays…

I feel incredibly fortunate to be living in New Zealand where covid is under control. This allows us to spend a bit of time outside our house during the holiday season. We are going a little road trip to Coromandel peninsula on the north-east side of NZ. I will share a post card from the beach when we get there by New Year.

Stay safe and see you all next year with awesome Excel & Power BI goodness. Enjoy your holidays.


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8 Responses to “Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021”

  1. Philip Wiest says:

    Chandoo, you are always "spot on". But, dude, 2020 was so strange that you thought it was 2021? 😉 Best wishes! Looking forward for more great content and insights in... wait for it... 2021.

  2. Mark says:

    New Zealand was a very prescient choice! (Despite the hardships, I think a lot of countries would rather have Jacinda Ardern as their prime minister/president.)

    Best wishes for relaxing holidays and a much happier 2021 for everyone.

  3. Bhavani Seetal Lal says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS Chandoo Sir and family

  4. Tetonne says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS Chandoo all the best

  5. Alain KORCHIA says:

    Très bonne année 2021 à toi et ta famille
    Amitiés de France


  6. Terry Hearst says:

    Happy New Year. Stay Safe. I need someone to help me with my hard questions. You and the forum are my goto when all else fails. More importantly, you are where I for inspiration. Lots of examples. Thanks for everything.

  7. Luke M says:

    (Very belated) Happy New Year. It's been amazing seeing how you've developed this site and grown it over the years. Your kids are growing up so fast. Keep up the excellent work of being a father, as well as inspiring all of us with Excel.

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