
Financial Modeling School is Open, Please Join Today!

Hello friends & readers of Chandoo.org,

I am very excited to tell you that our financial modeling & project finance classes are open for registration starting today.

In this article, you can learn about our training program, how it can help you & payment instructions.

What is Financial Modeling School?

Financial Modeling School is a set of online training programs aimed to teach (1) Financial Modeling (2) Project Finance Modeling (3) Excel to you.

This is a very comprehensive & well designed program to help newcomers & experienced financial modeling professionals. We start from scratch and build a completely integrated valuation model in MS Excel. The course gets intense as you move along and you will learn advanced concepts like Monte-carlo simulations, scenarios, sensitivity analysis, valuation techniques – all using MS Excel.

Financial Modeling School - Learn Financial Modeling, Project Finance Modeling using MS Excel

Who should join this course?

This program is aimed at investment bankers, financial analysts, commercial bankers, equity research associates, project managers, sponsors, real estate project managers etc. to help them understand the nuances of project finance, financial modeling and create complex financial models using MS Excel.

If you do not know Excel, still you can enjoy this course, by going for Excel School combo options.

How does this course work?

If you are familiar with Excel School or VBA Classes that I run, then you know how Financial Modeling School works. Otherwise, please watch this short video to understand how our course works.

What do you get when you Join?

  1. 20 hours of Financial Modeling Online Training: Each of the 14 topics in this program come with several videos discussing the process of constructing model in excel. There is a total of 20 hours of videos planned. All these lessons are neatly structured in to a lesson plan with links to view, download and discuss. You can follow the lesson plan and boost your modeling skills in a very short period of time.
  2. 20 hours of Project Finance Modeling Online Training: Each of the 12 topics in this program come with several videos discussing project finance modeling in excel. There is a total of 20 hours of videos planned. All these lessons are neatly structured in to a lesson plan with links to view, download and discuss. You can follow the lesson plan and boost your modeling skills in a very short period of time.
  3. 24 hours of Microsoft Excel Training [Optional]: You can sign-up for the optional Excel School and learn various concepts and practical uses of MS Excel. This course takes a practical approach and makes you a master of Excel. You can download all the course material and lesson videos for later reference. For details please refer to Excel School page.
  4. Example workbooks: both Empty & Completed ones At each step, we will provide you an example workbook so that you can immediately apply the knowledge gained in the class. You can verify your solution against ours using instructor version of same workbook. This will make your modeling skills rock-solid.
  5. 6 month Access to Online Classroom: Online classroom is a blog-like area with secure userid and password for students. This is where you can ask questions related to lesson topics, discuss the lesson content or share your tips / ideas with other students. You can access the classroom for 6 months from data of joining.
  6. Free Bonus – List of Keyboard Shortcuts PDF This one page PDF includes some really powerful and useful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts.
  7. Free bonus – Chart Design E-book In this short 24 page e-book, we explain the process you should follow to format your charts to wow your audience. It also includes guidance on colors to use.
  8. 30 Day money back guarantee Each Financial Modeling School membership comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t like what you see, just drop me an email and I will refund your money. No questions asked.

Please Join Financial Modeling School Today

If you want to learn financial modeling or project finance, then look no further. Our course packs a lot of detail, practical advice & a wealth of information at a competitive price. Go ahead and sign-up using one of the 6 options below.

Financial Modeling & Project Finance Classes - Signup Options
Financial Modeling & Project Finance Classes + Excel School - Signup Options

Accepted Payment Methods - VBA Classes

Alternative Payment Methods

If you would like to pay in Indian Rupee or Bank Transfer, Check – Click here.

How the Purchase Process Works?

The purchase process is as simple as it can get. See this diagram to understand how it works.

Purchase process for Financial Modeling School

Frequently Asked Questions

I have answered 3 most frequently asked questions here:

1) What payment methods are accepted?
A) You can pay by credit card (VISA, Master, AMEX etc.) or with your PayPal Account. In some countries, you can also pay by electronic check. Use the most convenient option from Checkout page.
2) What version of Excel is used in these Classes?
A) We use Excel 2007 to conduct the classes. However, most lessons can be applied to Excel 2003 onwards.
3) Can I upgrade to other options after joining the course?
A) You can upgrade to any other option once you join the course. You will find the details inside the Financial Modeling School.

For more question & answers, visit Financial Modeling School FAQ page.

For more details…,

If you want more details about this program, Visit Financial Modeling School page.

Thank you

Thank you so much your support to Chandoo.org & your thirst for knowledge. I feel very fortunate & fulfilling to learn & teach. Please consider joining this training program if you want to learn Financial Modeling or Project Finance Modeling.


Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.

Thank you and see you around.

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Written by Chandoo
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2 Responses to “Financial Modeling School is Open, Please Join Today!”

  1. vishal singh says:


    I am interested in the financial modelling program. I had recived a mail from Purna Duggirala about the details of the program. However the fee mentioned for both courses is 397$ whereas in ur Finan. Modelling School brochure , for Indian citizens its Rs. 15500.

    Also in ur brochure u have mentioned the course structure but in the mail sent by Purna, its written that the course is still nt structured.

    I am very keen to join this without any delay, hence plz reply to my few queries:

    1. I want to opt for Financial Modelling + Project Finance + Excel school. What will be the cost?
    2. Is the course structure same as mentioned in the brochure?
    3. Is it possible for me to download the complete course videos? or do i have to be online to view it? Can i watch it multiple times if i have doubts?
    4. Can I make payment by credit card? if yes then wats the link?

    Thanks & Regards.

  2. Fernando says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    I'm enroll in the excell shcool and lat week I joined as well o the Modeling and Project Finance school. My doubt is: Can I download Modeling and Project video as I can dowloand from excel school or is only a online video.


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