Excel links – What is your next Excel book edition?
Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx
We don’t have a dog (yet), but we have a lot of books. Anytime I am in a bookshop, I feel like a mosquito in fat-camp. So you can imagine me smacking my lips when I saw your suggestions for favorite Excel books recently. There were more than 50 different books recommended by our readers. Of course I cannot buy all the 50 in one go. That would make Jo (my wife) angry. So I bought one that most of you recommended.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter by Mike Girvin
It is a book about array formulas, advanced formulas and data analysis techniques. I am eagerly waiting for the delivery to devour it. Once I am done with it, I will post a review here.
What about you? What Excel book are you reading now? Please share in comments.
Excel Links for you
Moving on, it has been a while since I shared some Excel links. So here we go.
Ever wondered why you cannot divide numbers with zero. Mike at Data Pig technologies explains the mysteries of number crunching. Interesting read.
Creating a spreadsheet based wizard
Wizard interfaces are very useful when you want to capture data or depict a process. Jordan at Option Explicit VBA shows us how to build a simple wizard using Excel.
Add new items to data validation drop-down
We all know that using data validation, you can restrict the list of items allowed in a cell. But what if you want to give user a choice to add items to the list? Debra shows us a smart piece of VBA code that does this. Check it out.
Weight scale chart in Excel (fun & awesome)
Debraj at our forum built this cool weight scale chart using Excel. Very smart, funny and interesting to learn from.
Get the difference of selected cells in status bar!
You know that when you select a range of numbers, you can look at status bar to get quick statistics of those numbers – like sum, average, max and min. But what if you want to know the difference of selected numbers (whether 2 numbers or 2 sets of numbers)? Dick at DDoE shows us how to use VBA to enhance the behavior of Excel status bar to do this. Very creative!
That is all for now
Go ahead and enjoy the Excel links. And remember to tell us what Excel book you are reading now in the comments.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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16 Responses to “Excel links – What is your next Excel book edition?”
Check this link on YT, you can watch all the videos related with this book.
'..like a mosquito in fat-camp' - Very good - I'm using that.
'CSE' was also the first of two books I bought straight from your blog. Actually, like a faithful dog, it is now constantly at my side at work and home. However, as with my dogs, it has a 'mate' as I also bought John Foreman's 'Data Smart'. This is a fantastic walk into data science, giving me confidence and tools to demonstrate to directors how they can use data more accurately for strategic planning.
The book blog was a great idea - thank you.
Thanks for mentioning the wizard post! It's definitely one of my favorites. (I just reread it and found a ton of spelling errors. Sorry!)
Dear Jordan,
I am VERY sorry about the hundreds of spelling errors in the book!!! I am a very bad writer and speller and grammar person :(.
I mistakenly relied on the editors. But that job was not done well. I take the full blame, though, it is my book and my bad writing…
Luckily, Stuart (from Birmingham, England), who is a regular YouTuber and Excel book reader, went through and found 100s of errors and posted me the results. When the next printing happens, I will make corrections. Actually, for me the experience of writing books is not fun. This is why I probably will not write more books, but instead keep to making videos...
Sincerely, Mike excelisfun Girvin
I think that Jordan was referring to the spelling errors in his "Creating a spreadsheet based wizard" blog post, not your book!
And I agree, it's certainly a challenge to write a book.
I was referring to my post, but I'm still glad to see I'm not the only one who struggles!
Mike, I think your work is outstanding, and I've never had trouble following it (yours too, Debra).
Dear Jordan,
Yes, struggle. I guess that is one of the main definitions of life! 🙂
Sincerely, Mike excelisfun Girvin
Dear Debra,
Thank your for your response!
It really is a challenge to write a book. I know for me it was more difficult than any other endeavor.
Sincerely, Mike excelsifun Girvin
Currently reading Rob Collie & Bill Jelen PowerPivot Alchemy early edition pdf. Really good informative read but just taken a full 24 hours to get his Sarah Problem joke, trying to think of a good excuse for this but going to have to put it down to my age!!!
Hi Chandoo,
I searched this book across many book stores in KOLKATA,WB,but I am
not getting it,can you tell me where to get this book.
Thanks for mentioning my article, Chandoo!
I'm currently reading Rob Collie's book, "DAX Formulas for PowerPivot"
Dear Debra,
Thank your for your response!
It really is a challenge to write a book. I know for me it was more difficult than any other endeavor.
Sincerely, Mike excelsifun Girvin
We were talking on facebook about what to call the flood of pageviews that comes from when you mention our blog posts. I think Rob Collie called it the "Chandoo Bump." But I think it should be called the "Chandoo Multiplier."
I think it's called the Oprah effect
You get a spreadsheet! You get a spreadsheet! Everybody gets a spreadsheet!
[…] would like to know which Excel book you'll read next. See his pick, and check the comments for lots more […]