Hello folks,
It’s almost ready. Our ready to use Excel dashboard templates available now.
Here is a teaser preview of the dashboards. Our own official trailer, rated A for awesome.
Watch it below:
Excel Dashboard Templates – What are they?
As the name suggests, these are a set of workbooks where you can key in your data, set up how you want the looks & bam, a beautiful, insightful, fun, easy to use dashboard pops right out. All in few minutes.
Here is how these templates can help you:
- Design awesome dashboards in minutes, not months: Don’t waste hours trying to figure out formulas, chart settings and layouts. Instead focus on what your users want, how your business works and use those insights to tell the ‘Excel Dashboard Template’ what you want. Save time and look awesome.
- Accommodate change elegantly: People change. Businesses change. What your boss wanted last month is no longer what she wants today. So when someone asks you, “hmm, can you show me YTD data instead of last 13 months”, or “Can I see top 10 KPIs instead of all”, you just smile and tap a few clicks and bingo, the new dashboard will be ready. These templates are designed to handle change (data, requirements, design preferences and insights).
- Beautiful & Informative: These templates are designed with a delicate balance of beauty & insight. Everything is seamlessly designed, perfectly aligned and precisely calculated so that you & your boss can focus on the insights & decisions. Time tested and well honored visualization principles & guidelines are observed thru-out the reports.
- Built for starters, built for pros: Whether you are just starting with Excel or a seasoned pro, you can find the templates right up your alley. For advanced users, we have many customizations to whet your appetite. Want to build a custom calculation or include another type of sorting, you can do it by tinkering with ‘calculations’ sheet.
How to get them?
Please click here to get your copy of Excel Dashboard Templates.
How do you like the first look?
I am very excited and nervous about these templates. It took me more than an year to conceptualize, create, test & publish these templates. They reflect what I learned about using Excel to create awesome things, in last 10 years.
I would love to know what you think about them. Please share your feedback in comments.
62 Responses to “Ready to use Excel Dashboard Templates – Official Trailer”
Looks like a great head start for developing a management report out.
How 'locked' will the file be - can we unlock the workbook (including VBA code?) or individual sheets to customise charts / colour themes etc. beyond what is initially set up?
Understand many will be happy to use your set up as it stands but some will want to tinker, break and 'repair' it too
Thanks Chandoo!!
The file (purchased ones) will be completely unlocked and 100% editable. The beauty is, there is no VBA. Pure formulas. So customization is easy too.
I'm very excited to learn more!
Thanks for your help, Chandoo!
Looks pretty awesome. Wish I knew more about dashboards and the underlying pieces.
I am a great fan of chandoo. If Chandoo dies something, close your eyes and buy it.... Noone will have any opportunity to regret
Can't wait!!
The uploader has not made this video available in your country... No beauty, Mr Chandoo. I thought at least Excel stays out from all that jazz.
Hi Vladimir... I have not done anything like that. Not sure whats going on. Let me check.
Meanwhile, Can you see it from the mirror link - http://files.chandoo.org/dbt/videos/trailer/trailer.html
It looks amazing!!
Great job!
For which Excel version will it be available? please not only for the last one!
It is available for 2007, 2010 & 2013, Office 365 versions. I will be checking compatibility with Mac Excel 2011 (I hope it works) very soon.
Looks awesome! will I be able to get my personal data loaded via a web query? (we use SAP for our financial data)
Hi Chandoo,
Trailer looks fantastic!!!! Will try to get inspired by your work and create a similar dashboard for my company..... I read your earlier comment too... I am not, VBA trained but yes I can try my hands on formulae, validation, and slicer, to create a similar one.... May be not that impactful but surely a good one
u simply rock and inspire us Chandoo!!!! Cheers!!!!
So what kind of data source can we use for the raw data and how to we "plug" our data into your framework?
They look awesome and I'm surprised there are no VB to enable this. Looks awesome.
I was currently building something like this and was often hitting bottlenecks due to my very limited knowledge in VBA. I started your VBA course get through those bottlenecks.
Awesome work!!
Wow. Knocked my socks off. I put the date into my calendar. I will be coming back here on November 13th. KPIs, measures, trends, all ready for my data without VBA? Sold. Excellent video demo (btw). -Lee
Looks good and I'm interested. I'm wondering what the process will be to link my existing data sources into the dashboard.
This looks awesome! What a great idea. In the past month I've been working with a project called $5 dollar dashboards on my website which only looks at individualized dashboards by industry (not templated as you've done here) I love the idea that you can take one dashboard and flip it around to meet any of your needs regardless of your data set.
Great job!
I look forward to having a peak.
Really awesome !!!
Dashboard templates I am hearing for the first time in excel....
definitely it saves lot time in preparing the reports..
Thanks Chandoo...:)
YOU are Awesome!!! Love this idea.
Dear Chandoo,
How pricey will the worksheets be?
Chandoo, I like the initial look of your Dashboard templates. I've been creating a monthly report very similar to this for the past couple of years that I share with our Board of Trustees. I call it "Vital $igns". They really like the idea of seeing a number of relevant benchmarks presented all on one page. I look forward to seeing how I might integrate your templates into my reports to make my job easier.
Thanks a bunch!
I can't wait. This is a primary function of my job and the dashboard I operate today SUCKS. This looks beautiful!
Thanks so much Chandoo, it souds terrific!, I'm following you for a while and I really need Dashboard templates to work with.
It will be the price "affordable" ? Can we use it with other "open" system like LibreOffice or Openoffice without loosing the look&feel?
Way to go!
These look great! I look forward to seeing more and hopefully fill a gap in my work that has long needed to be filled! Can't wait!
Just a word:
Cesarino Rua
Definitivamente es el mejor sitio de todos para aprender sobre lo grandioso que es el Excel.
Personalmente llevo muchos años utilizando los buenos consejos y practicas que desde http://chandoo.org/wp se pueden obtener y los resultados para mi han sido los mejores.
Thanks Chandoo!!
Very nice! I look forward to seeing them released!
These look really great. Just the kind of high level summaries executives want. Like Karanbir, I'm wondering how much these will cost?
Hi Chandoo
I will be going overseas for a week from the 13th and will have minimal access to the internet. Will the offer to purchase them still be going on the 21st? They seriously do look awesome.
With the teaser it seems amazing but need to know how and at what application it will be useful to put in the real world. If it is for Daily Sales Report or Daily Cash Report of monthly MIS Report everything can be taken in one go.... Can't wait for Nov 14th when you show us in detail....
Its really very unique....
This is an awesome idea and I know that it will be a huge success like most of your products and I can´t wait to promote these with my fellow subscribers!
A week is too long to wait....I want it NOW!
I can't wait for the roll-out of this product. I need to create some compensation spreadsheets, and this will save me tons of time!
Thank you sir!
Hi Chandoo,
How hard would it be to use these in conjunction with data in a PowerPivot model?
If this template can address views for Revenue/Cost/GP, Inventory management, project-change-request management, operational manpower resource tasks....... i'll be hooked.
Looks good Chandoo. Will try this tool.
I'll be one of those who really can't wait until 13th November.
as someone said before, waiting one week is to much!!!
kind regards from PORTUGAL
Can't wait! The video triggered about a hundred ideas in my head, and now I'm like a little kid at Christmas!!!
Hi Chandoo,
I was wondering if at first we can have a locked version say like a trial version for a day or two to check the awesomeness of this Dashboard ?
This is to just make sure it fits individual needs and one can provide suggestion if any upgrades required.
Hi Chandoo
I need to show about 6 top20/6 bottom20 daily assessment marks filtered by class, teacher, faculty, date and range, historically and daily. Can the KPI indicator be used for this?
Just ignore this if it's too much.
Just simply awesome. Cant wait for the launch. I've done a few basic one pagers - but this interactive format is brilliant.
Looks Great. WoW. Congrats to you and your team Chandoo.
Wow, I'm impressed! Looks like I can go in any direction I want (or rather : my managers want)
I find it amazing that you can do all this without VBA, you are truly the master of Excel. That said, are there any plans to do a VBA version? I can only imagine the kind of features that you'd be able to pack into it
Hi Chandoo,
Its a treat to eyes. I am still wondering how did you enable the sorting option on clicking the Top 10 and Bottom 10 without using VBA. Will try to figure out soon.
I will mail you if I have figured it out!!!
And all the best for the dashboards
Its slicer!!
I m really dumb
Hi Chandoo,
Thank you for this early present. I've been looking for ways to develop an inner active dashboard and functions that you presented. Will there be a tutorial on how you developed this? I've subscribed to the Power Pivot and Power Pivot advanced and the tuitorials have helped me to tailor my reporting. You have help me and I'm sure others to stand out when looking for employment.
Warmest Regards!
Hi Chandoo!
As always, you produce great stuff to make us AWESOME!
Hi Chandoo,
Envio a usted y toda la comunidad mis mas sinceras felicitaciones por este sitio tan maravilloso, sus enormes aportes son de gran ayuda para quienes nos beneficiamos de estos espectaculares dashboard.
Estoy invitando a toda la comunidad de habla hispana (idioma Spanish) para que haga parte de este foro.
Saludos desde Bogota, Colombia.
Hi Chandoo,
This is awsome!!!
When this is going to be available?
Hi Chandoo,
Excellent. Waiting to watch the Blockbuster in Excel ...
Thanks !
nice for more tutorial and learning
Chandoo = Awesome!!!
I've watched this three times in a row and just can't wait to see the full version. It's like Christmas has come early!!
Look like a great piece of work. Since there no VBA involved it should be a masterpiece of training, too.
Great stuff Chandoo!
Do we need to wait until Thursday ? What about a sneak preview Saturday night !
The Oscar goes to Chandoo !
Great stuff
Is it possible to have trial version for download (for 4 to 5 days) just to make sure it is going to be working with my data - what I am tracking and reporting on has nothing to do with sales performance and customers etc...
Is there a way to download files and play around with a copy with all the cells locked with some data just to see the functionality of the dashboards. If cells are locked then the only way to add data is to purchase a copy for use.
Chandoo, this looks fantastic, its going to save me a great deal of time. I'll be picking up a copy for sure
Looks really great!
But would really appreciate as well to know how the update process works. Do we need to copy/paste all the new data, or is it possible to hook up to external databases?
Hi Martin,
As of now the templates support copy paste or manual entry methods only. Since the dashboard is quite complex, I do not recommend direct linking thru DB connections. I suggest below method:
1) Get data thru a connection to a separate sheet
2) Ensure the imported data is in right format
3) Plug this data to the end of Dashboard Data table with copy paste or VBA macro
OK. Thanks for the reply!
Hi, I'm looking for a dashboard template for kpi/vendor metrics reporting.looking for the usual stuff like otif,scar,capa.any of these templates can be used with this report?