
How to WOW your customers with tracking – Dominos pizza example

business , ideas - 4 comments

Saturday we were in no mood to cook, we were feeling all tired up after roaming in Seattle. So we ordered pizza from dominos pizza website.

The ordering process is simple and straight forward. But what awed me most is the pizza tracker. Once you place the order they show you this pizza tracker:


That is right, they tell you “Jeffery began custom making your order”, not “your pizza is being prepared” or something else. And thus making the whole process much more personal.

Once again, when the pizza is ready for delivery they show you something like this:


Simple change to the way tracking data is gathered and presented and yet very very effective. Kudos to Dominos for standing out.


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4 Responses to “How to WOW your customers with tracking – Dominos pizza example”

  1. nicole says:

    doesn't really track your pizza though...it's just for fun. they can't actually track the GPS location of every single pizza...that would be crazy/ridiculous/not possible

  2. Chandoo says:

    I dont think GPS locations matters in the above tracker though... All they are saying is your pizza order placed / prepared / baked / boxed / delivered. It is easy to keep track of this info with few key strokes. During delivery you have no idea where the pizza is... so GPS is not necessary... but all in all a fun way to keep you waiting for the pizza...

  3. Kapil says:

    I shared a WOW episode on great personal customer service recently on my blog.


  4. Jay says:

    Hi I am trying to make a customer tracker /footfall to work out the busy times and the quiet times. I would like to generate a report for the month that would tell me the 2 types of customers using the premises and what times.
    the report should show a graph that shows the times it is busy and the quiet times.
    and then a split of which the 2 types of customers.
    is there a template available that I can adjust.
    I am hoping this can be done without VBA as I am using a network and should be a shared file. your thoughts would be great. just need some inspiration and also to wow the bosses.

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