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CP027: 15 proven strategies to be awesome in 2015



In the 27th session of Chandoo.org podcast, let’s pave way for an awesome 2015.

We are going to talk about 15 proven strategies for making you awesome in Excel & Your work.
CP027 - Become awesome in Excel & your work with these 15 strategies - Chandoo.org podcast

What is in this session?

We all get fresh dose of energy, enthusiasm & drive during new years. So we aim for bigger & more awesome things. But once the first few weeks are over, we just settle down to the normal rhythm and forget about these big, hairy & audacious goals.

Let’s make 2015 different. In this podcast, Let’s understand how you can become awesome in Excel & your work this year, with 15 proven strategies:

  • Announcements – my new year & plans for next few months
  • Becoming awesome – 3 important areas of focus
  • Learning
    • New formulas
    • New features
    • Different charts
    • Macros
    • Linkup Excel with other software
    • Get a book
    • Join a course
  • Application
    • Take up a work project
    • Consulting
    • Mimic a chart in Excel
    • Beyond XL – Power Pivot etc.
  • Sharing
    • Forums
    • Helping a colleague
    • Comment on blogs
    • Train your team


Listen to this session

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Links & Resources mentioned in this podcast

Upcoming live events:

Learning Excel:

Applying Excel skills:

Sharing Excel Skills:

Transcript of this session:

Download this podcast transcript [PDF].

How are you planning to be awesome in 2015?

I am going to learn something new, apply & share more in 2015. I will also be meeting people thru live events (like conferences or masterclasses) and learning from them.

What about you? How are you planning to be awesome in 2015? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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Overall I learned a lot and I thought you did a great job of explaining how to do things. This will definitely elevate my reporting in the future.
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One Response to “CP027: 15 proven strategies to be awesome in 2015”

  1. Steve S. says:

    Great podcast! Very inspiring. I plan to learn more excel keyboard shortcuts--stop using the mouse so my fingers can fly across the keyboard.

    I will also be helping a coworker by automating a report he does monthly which involves a lot of cutting and pasting into a spreadsheet. It is a perfect task to be automated with VBA.

    I also plan to learn and use Tables in excel more often.

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