produces it’s Second MVP.
It is with great pride and humility that I announce that I (Hui) was recently awarded an MVP (Excel) by Microsoft.
This award is given in recognition for my contribution to the Excel community which is mostly based here at and also at and the Excel Hero Academy.
You can see a full lists of my Excel work at About Hui.
So in part this award also belongs to Chandoo, all the readers and my fellow Excel Ninja’s here at the Forums as without the platform, without the readers and without the ongoing support from my fellow Excel Ninjas, I am certain this wouldn’t have been possible.
I need to especially thank Chandoo and Daniel Ferry for their support over the past 5 years.
To the community please accept my sincere thanx for your support and I look forward to our ongoing interaction in the years ahead.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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97 Responses to “ produces it’s Second MVP.”
Congratulations Hui - A well deserved award for all your unselfish Excel help.
Yepee!!!! Congrats (if I am even able to reach .1% of your knowledge would feel blessed...)
Hearty Congtratulations....Best award for the Perfect One....
Congratulations Hui! A very well-deserved recognition!
Congrats Hui.
Congratulations Hui. Well deserved.
Congrats Hui, and thanks so much for your help and insperation towards improving my Excel knowledge.
Sir Hui , Heartily Congratulations!!!
Congratulations! well-deserved.
Many congratulations Hui. You certainly deserve it. I am very glad we could play a small role in your achievement. 🙂
Congratulations Hui, Thanks for your contribution
Congratulations Hui... 🙂
Congratulations Hui…
Hui, Congratulations on completing the MVP requirements.
Hui. Congratulations. A well deserved honor.
Congrats Hui. It is well-deserved. 🙂
Congratulations, Hui! You truly deserve it!
Hi Hui ,
It is a great honour , well deserved. Congratulations , and may you continue to be one for many more years.
Congratulations! It is very much a well-deserved honor. I have learned so much from your classes!
Congrats Hui!
You rock!
Well done , keep up the great work
Hi Hui,
Super accomplishment! Very well deserved!!
Well deserved, thanks for all the help you given me in the past (and no doubt going forward!)
Hi Hui,
My hearty congratulations to you on your achievements. I love reading your postings and learning from them.
Best Wishes
Congrats Hui. To me this is not unexpected and I also congratulate Chandoo. We hope to have many more on this forum as we continuously provide selfless service to the excel global community.
Heyyyyyyy Congratulations. You really deserve even if you didn't (already) make me awesome in excel !!
You got it!
Congratulations sir
Congratulations....... !!! You deserve it
Congratulations, you deserve every bit of recognition for your work.
That's awesome & so very well-deserved!!!
Well deserved.
I always enjoy your and Chandoo's articles on how to improve my Excel skills.
Thank you
Congratulations Hui. Well deserved.
Congrats!. Weel done. Go ahead in this way!.
Congratulations, Hui.
Congratulations, big time!...
accept my heartfelt congratulations! for as honorary award, I feel proud to be a student of your teachings follower
Congratulations! Many are called but few are chosen!
Well deserved Hui, congratulations! You've DEFINITELY helped me out over the years!
Congrate, but seriously dude, This award don't deserve you, you are far far better than this, trust me, the magics i have learnt from you, its just unbeatable. hats off.
congrats, u deserved the best doing great work in the field of excel.
Congratulations Hui on your well deserved achievement.
This is indeed great news !
Hearty congratulations to Hui (and of course, Chandoo as well) !
.... .... ! 🙂
Congratulations, Hui! All of you are great assets.
Well deserved! Keep up the great support and work you do for this excel community. 🙂
Congratulations, Hui, for your achievement. Its well deserved. Cheers!
Good on you Hui. Wishing you many more Accolade to follow through.
Congratulations for a well deserved distinction!
Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge on such a terrific tool.
Best wishes
Thanks for sharing all that knowledge, curiosity, and enthusiasm laced with a pinch of humour.
A fantastic team.
Congratulations, Hui, for your achievement. Its well deserved. Cheers!
Congratulations, Hui. I enjoy your posts very much and it was well deserved.
I also was nominated for the first year, it is awesome.
Looking forward to meet you and Chandoo at the summit.
Congratulations, Hui! 🙂
Too kind of you to have replied to the question I raised in this forum.
Your kindness is getting rewarded. Praise Gog! =)
Felicitaciones, desde Colombia su aporte, conocimiento y el compartir hace especial su reconocimiento y triunfo.
El idioma no ha sido dificultad para aprender de sus aportes.
Mil Felicidades.
or via Google Translate:
"Congratulations from Colombia your input, share knowledge and recognition is special and win.
The language is not difficult to learn of their contributions.
Congratulations Mil."
Congratulations Chandoo Hui! You very much deserve it ! I have always been your fan here in the Philippines and I never fail reading your news letters. I keep every one of them. In fact I am already with my Volume10! I even bought a one terabyte HDD just to keep all your teachings and get refreshed of things. They look at me with awe in the office whenever I do excel tricks. I am now working with the "some" to complete the tag --Ed the AWESOME!
Congrats Hui!
Congrats Hui..Award Well Deserved....Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us.
Congratulations Hui!
Awesome No. 2!
I'm sure will produce many like this.
Congratulations Hui! A very well-deserved recognition!
Keep up the great work Chandoo/Purna... 🙂 Way to go...
Many congratulations Hui. You deserved it. More than that, we all are thankful to you and Chnadoo for sharing your vast excel knowledge.
Many congratulations Hui for this award you deserve this. You and chandoo did a great job by helping people through this way. this blog help me a lot to resolve so many things. Keep up the good work guys a big God bless..
Congrats deserve this award...
Very happy for you....keep up the good work and wish you more professional and personal rewards.
Congratulations My boss,
Its wonderful talent forever. Lot of Thanks for serving your enormous knowledge with all of us.......
Heartiest Congratulations Hui...After getting heart breaking news of Sachin Tendulkar's retirement from all forms of cricket, you gave us something to cheer!!!!
With Regards
Many congrats to you
You deserve it. Mabrouk in my language
As we say in portuguese... PARABENS!!! If anyone deserves it, its you. My Excel Hero, without a doubt! 😉
Congratulations Hui well deserved mate and great to see a mining industry person achieve it!
Very well done, you are a deserving winner!!
Thank you for all the tips and tricks
I am not surprise to hear that.... you deserve that. Congratulation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freakin' awesome.
Congrats Hui.
What one may have to do if wants to have 3rd MVP.
Can some one briefs about it please?
Congratulations 🙂
Congrats Hui. I am so happy about it. Next in line is Narayan. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
@All, Thank you all for your kinds thoughts and words.
@RSP, You can read more about the Microsoft MVP program here:
@Rudra, I see Sachin Tendulkar's son has just started playing cricket, so a replacement may not be far away.
congratulation Hui..
Congrats Hui, Next will be Narayan. Wish you all the best and for sharing your knowledge.
Congratulation Hui, good luck for other awards and God helps you 🙂
Heartily congratulation Hui... i am sure you will continue to receive this...
You deserve it. You got so much knowledge to share. Congratulations!
grats hui
Enhorabuena y gracias por tus enseñanzas...
Google Translate: Congratulations and thank you for your teachings ...
congrats Hui....legacy continues
better late than never ; Muchas Felicidades !!!!
Congratulations Hui that's Amazing. You guys are doing an amazing job at training, helping and providing "awesome" support for the users here.
Hui, We knew it coming your way, you do excel at EXCEL.
Applauded, and thanks so much for your help and inspiration towards improving my Excel knowledge
Many Many thanks to u. We r alaways with u. Go ahead bro. Its your time. Do everything on your own way.
Hui, Congratulations on your well deserved award. I have found such inspiration and knowldege in the awesomeness you share. Best wishes. Alan.
Congratulations Hui! That's fantastic news and the award is well deserved!
Good on ya Mate!
Hui, your knowledge is incredible and you have helped so many of us!
Congrats man! I am very happy for you! You deserve it! 🙂
Hi Hui,
Just like Chandoo and the other Chitizens of Chandoo Land, you always go way out in front to help all of us! Tremendously well deserved accolade for a true Excel Ninja. Congratulations, and look forward to more of your inspirational work!
Congrats! I use your site a lot because of your elaborate and clear explanations, especially for the more difficult to grasp issues. From my point of view, it seems to be well deserved. Thumbs up.
Dear Hui,
Congrats on being conferred an MVP by Microsoft! Well deserved.
Article on Data tables is by far the most comprehensive compilation on the subject.
Thanks for your magnanimous sharing of knowledge!