
Calorie card : a sound business idea for gyms / health clubs

business , ideas - 5 comments

calorie card - a healthy business idea for gyms

Yesterday while on treadmill I got this idea (btw, what is your favorite spot for generating new ideas?) – a calorie card its like a gas card, A membership card for gyms / health clubs. The key difference is that, instead of using the card whenever you spend money, you use calorie card whenever you spend calories

For example:

– you can get 1 point for every 100 calories you spend at the gym
– you can redeem points once you reach 50 or something like that
– you can use the points to renew your gym memberships etc.

The idea works like a virus since it would provoke you to workout more, stay healthy and earn in return. It may not sound that profitable initially, but my guess is, this would increase customer loyalty and feel good factor, which is good for brands in the medium to long run.

what do you think?

PS: the card image is from Chase, I just changed it to convey the message


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5 Responses to “Calorie card : a sound business idea for gyms / health clubs”

  1. [...] quickhelpnow wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpta calorie card its like a gas card, A membership card for gyms / health clubs. The key difference is that, instead of using the card whenever you spend money, you use calorie card whenever you spend calories. For example: … [...]

  2. M&A part III says:

    Great idea boss, at least ur grey cells are tickling.

    By the way came to your blog after a long time. Saw your statue of "wild" photo. Now you have turned from a two legged to a four with some ancient link to forefathers. 🙂 . Come online some time this weekend. lets do a detailed 1 on 1 discussion abt your wild side or ur wild life.

    lets fix up a time. so long - let me sink in unwanted numbers

  3. Chandoo says:

    @M&A - hehe... i can see that your english is getting no better... surething, drop me an sms / mail or call me.. we sure need to talk 🙂 btw, how are you ho?

  4. Kapil says:

    I see just one problem. Only one avenue to earn points limits its excitement. It should be more integrated and have the ability to collect points across other places...

  5. Chandoo says:

    @Kapil... hmm.. thats a nice point... Now that I think of it, may be there are few possible extensions for this car use...

    - "walk to my store get the discount", whenever customer walks to the store instead of taking a ride, the card fetches him little discount.. not sure how the store can prove this.. but works out well in the end..
    - point accumulation whenever the customer / card holder makes healthy choices (buying health foods, park/ hike memberships, riding public transports etc...)

    can you think of some more ideas like this?

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