
Best month ever [blogging updates]

blogging - 15 comments

Pointy Haired Dilbert - Chandoo.org - July 2009 - ReportI am very happy to share this exciting news with you. June, 2009 has been the best month ever since I started this blog…

I am very thankful to you. I really enjoy sharing whatever little I am learning with you all. Your support is truly amazing. Thank You.

The best posts in the last month

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Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.

Thank you and see you around.

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Written by Chandoo
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15 Responses to “Best month ever [blogging updates]”

  1. MrCichy says:

    I found you last month and I'm very happy - there are not so many blogs about Excel, that can be read with real pleasure.

  2. Art Johnson says:

    Found this site a few days ago. It's terrific. I've got you on twitter and rss feed. I'll be a regular visitor. Keep up the great work.

  3. Joel Thomas says:

    Congratulations!!! It always feels good when there is good flow of traffic and new regular readers!

  4. Kapil Bhola says:

    Your Blog is very good. I am thankfull to you for giving information about excel .

    I have a question in excel Vba
    What is difference between Range and String ?
    When we Dim mycell such as range and dim mycell such as string what is differene between them ?

  5. [...] Pointy Haired Dilbert blog had its best month ever in June, and he posted some stats to prove it. Congratulations, [...]

  6. [...] visiting Excel blogs and websites? Chandoo, at Pointy Haired Dilbert, reported his stats for June 2009, and a few more people chimed [...]

  7. govi says:

    Best site around PERIOD

  8. Chandoo says:

    @MrCichy: Thank you and welcome to PHD 🙂

    @Art Johnson: I am very happy.. thank you.

    @Joel: thanks.

    @Kapil: Thank you and welcome to PHD. A range represents a collection of cells. A string is one text value (could be a cell or a value)

    @Govi: Thank you 🙂

  9. ardian says:


    I found this blog two weeks ago. I am very grateful to you for sharing excel and chart information. I'll be a regular visitor.
    Thank you very much... and God Bless You

  10. [...] June was Pointy Haired Dilbert Blog’s Best month ever J-Walk’s Spreadsheet Page Blog: June Visitor Stats Daily Dose of Excel’s June Stats PTS [...]

  11. Love the site. I hope the increase has translated in more revenue for your site. I visit at least once a week and like that you've kept your ads relevant. I've ordered from a few of your sponsors. Keep up the great work.

  12. [...] Daily Dose of Excel Pointy Haired Dilbert PTS Blog The Spreadsheet [...]

  13. Chandoo says:

    @Ardian: Thank you and God bless you too.

    @Mathew: Thank you. Revenues are up as well. Although they are not perfectly aligned with the trend in traffic and visitor engagement. I like to keep ads to minimum while getting enough money to keep everything sane and sensible. I also recommend products only if trust the persons behind it or if the products are genuinely good. Thanks for making the purchases. I am sure you would have derived more value than the commission I made out of your purchase. 🙂

  14. [...] might be wrong, but I believe Chandoo started it, then J-Walk posted his, then Dick, then Jon.Best month ever Visitor Stats June Stats Web Stats – June 2009And Debra from Contextures also posted hers. [...]

  15. [...] might be wrong, but I believe Chandoo started it, then J-Walk posted his, then Dick, then Jon.Best month ever Visitor Stats June Stats Web Stats – June 2009And Debra from Contextures also posted [...]

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