
Best of Pointy Haired Dilbert – Nov 2008



best-of-phd-nov-2008November 2008 has been the best month since I started this blog and thanks to all the readers and commenters for your tremendous support.

We had 33 posts and 331 comments (highest ever). We also had 150,000 page views, 50% more than last month and highest ever. Our RSS subscriber base is now at 1750 and growing everyday. This is a great feeling and I couldn’t have done any of this without your constant support and motivation. I am thankful to each and everyone of you for helping me learn and share whatever I can.

Here is a list of best posts in November:

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4 Responses to “Best of Pointy Haired Dilbert – Nov 2008”

  1. Sumeet says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    I need a formula to convert secs to mins and also a formula to take a sum / average of those mins. For eg. 140 secs should display 2.2. I need a formula to calculate the sum of all the mins and also average of those mins.

  2. Chandoo says:

    @Sumeet: You can try a formula like: =int(secs/60)+(mod(secs,60)/100)

    to convert 140 secs to 2.2
    for averages, you may want to sum up all seconds and then divide by the total count and use the above formula again.

    Let me know if this doesnt help.

  3. Ketan says:

    @Chandoo :
    to convert the seconds into minuts only need to divide the seconds qty by 60
    In given example 140 sec = 2.2 minutes are wrong as 140 sec =2.3333 minutes
    For average and sum can be carried out as in normal practise.

  4. Sumeet says:

    Chandoo, I am satisfied with your answer. This is what I was looking for.

    Ketan, your answer 140 sec = 2.3 mins is incorrect as per me because I take 2.3 as 2 mins and 30 secs.

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