
How well do you know your Lookups? [Quiz]

Quizzes - 7 comments

Excel VLOOKUP QuizIts quiz time folks.

So you think you know VLOOKUP formula? Well, test your knowledge.

Click here to take our first ever quiz – on Look up formulas.

Hint: Check out Comprehensive guide to LOOKUP formulas for help

Once you finish the quiz, enter your name & email address to record your results in leader-board.

PS: More quizzes & problems in Excel.

PPS: Answers & Discussion here.


Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

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Thank you and see you around.

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7 Responses to “How well do you know your Lookups? [Quiz]”

  1. Hui... says:

    Question 5 should be the first 3, answers, not just answers 2 & 3
    The quite valid formula below, will do a Vlookup to the left and hence answer the question
    Refer: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yz3n7fu1k19wec9/VLookup%20Left.xls

    • Chandoo says:

      @Hui... Thanks for pointing it out. My mistake. Corrected the key now 🙂

    • Cat2phat says:

      That answer requires two formula's to be used in conjunction together, much like index and match.  The first answer is wrong because it does not specify the 2nd formula.

  2. koi says:

    question no 10,
    you can use vlookup but adding helper col.
    =custid&invid then vlookup that helper col.
    this is what i used to do 🙂

  3. Adrian says:

    What's the answer to question 9?
    The formula to use with vlookup so you don't need to write 25 individual vlookup formulas?

  4. Abhilash VK says:

    Chandoo, For question 9 do we need any other formula required apart from vlookup. The reason iam asking is that we can fix the range accordingly and copy paste the formula will also concludes to this question.
    Awaiting your replay...!

  5. VK says:

    Guys, everything is possible in excel!!
    After a long time i built a Monitor Power Saver application in Excel, So I thought I’d share

    some of my application through this site.


    Any feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


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