Getting Started with
Thank you so much for taking time to visit us.
If this is your first few times here, please read this page to get most out of my little website.
What is
At, my goal is simple. I want you to become awesome in Excel & Power BI. The emphasis is on YOU part, because that is what this is all about. You & making you awesome.
How does make you awesome?
Simple. I do this using 5 methods.
1. Share awesome tips, tutorials, examples & downloads
Once or twice every week, I write about various creative & productive ways in which you can use Excel (and or Power Query, Power Pivot and Power BI) to become awesome at what you do.
You can get these articles right in to your inbox by joining our free e-mail newsletter. Or you can subscribe to our RSS feed & read the articles in your favorite news reader.
When you join our newsletter, you also get a free e-book with 95 Excel tips.
Don't want any email business?
Cool, just learn from these links.

Pages for advanced users
Advanced Excel Topics
Array Formulas
Advanced Charting
Power Query
Excel Dashboards
VBA & Macros

Pages for intermediate users
Top 10 Formulas
Keyboard Shortcuts
Conditional formatting
Combination charts
Multi-table pivots

Pages for power hungry...
What is Power BI & more?
Power Query
Introduction to Power BI
Power BI Examples
2. Make Excel, Power BI, VBA & Data Videos
Twice a week, I create and post videos on topics related to data analysis, reporting, automation or productivity. I usually publish these videos on YouTube Channel. Please subscribe to it if you want to learn by video.
My latest goal is to make 50 new videos in 2021.
3. Run online classes to make you awesome
I run a few online courses. These highly popular courses have helped 10,000+ professionals all over the world learn & use Excel / Power BI at pro level. If you are looking for an Excel course, please consider mine. They are well designed & highly rated.
- For Excel – Excel School program
- Dashboards – Excel School Dashboards
- VBA & Macros – VBA Classes
- Analytics – 50 ways to analyze data
- Power BI – Power BI Play Date
4. Write books & create templates
As part of my mission, I write books and provide ready to use software templates. I have published three books and two sets of templates so far. You can check them out below.
5. Speak at user groups & conferences
I regularly speak at Wellington Power BI / Excel user group. I also speak once a year at an Excel / Data / Power BI conferece somewhere in the world.
My recent appearance is at Amsterdam Excel Summit in 2019.
Who runs
This is run by Chandoo & a small army of freelancers and volunteers. Although started as a personal website back in 2004, after 3 years, I changed the direction of site from personal rants to data. Today, after 17 years, is a thriving community of passionate learners and sharers.
About Chandoo
My name is Purna Duggirala. Chandoo is my nickname. I have used the same for registering this website in 2004.
After working for a few years as a business analyst with India’s leading IT company, I quit in April 2010 to make this website my full time work. You can read the back story here.
I am happily married to Jo, my college sweetheart and love of life. In September 2009, we became parents to twins – a boy and a girl. Nishanth (boy) & Nakshatra are as naughty, hilarious & lovable as they come. And our life is even more beautiful ever since.
We live in Wellington, New Zealand, a coastal town in the Southern Hemisphere. [more…]
Connecting with
While I am not as social as Selena Gomez, I do have a sizable presence on latest web fads. Click on below links to connect with us on your favorite social media platform.
- on Twitter
- Our Facebook Fanpage
- on Pinterest
- on Linkedin
- Our YouTube Channel, has over 180 videos
- Our RSS Feed – add this to your Google home page or Flipboard etc.
Once again, welcome
Thank you so much for visiting my website. I wish you become awesome in not just Excel, but everything else you do.