
Remove Duplicates [Quick Video Tip]



remove-duplicates-excel It is very surprising that so many of us are still not aware of this extremely powerful tool in Excel 2007. Just with a click of the button, you can remove all the duplicate values from a list / table. To remove duplicates,

  • Just select the list of values from which you want to remove duplicates
  • Go to Data ribbon
  • Hit the Remove Duplicates button
  • Bingo…

Here is the 15 second video tutorial I have prepared on understanding this feature.

Click here to watch on youtube.

PS: 15 second tutorials idea inspired from google tutorials.

PPS: Learn more quick tips, they make you blazing fast.

PPPS: There are 4 more ways to remove duplicates: 1 2 3 4


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    5 Responses to “Remove Duplicates [Quick Video Tip]”

    1. Chandoo says:

      @Excel Training: You are welcome.

    2. Cyril Z. says:

      Hello Chandoo,

      I've just found another tip which is powerful in 2007.

      Go to Data / Sort and Filter area -> Advanced... /

      There is a checkbox "Extract without duplicate" in the dialog.
      You can extract the list wihtout duplicate in another sheet (awesome for creating reference list for data validation)


    3. Chandoo says:

      @Cyril.. good find. Pls. note that this approach works even in 2003. (more here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2008/06/19/quickly-display-unique-items-in-an-excel-list-using-advanced-filters/ )

    4. Jackie Edwards says:

      This works perfectly! I always come to you before consulting the Excel help. Thanks for helping us Excel want-to-be experts look great!

    5. [...] is no wonder that I have written extensively about it (here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, [...]

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