
There is an Easter Egg in this Post



It is Easter time in Denmark and Sweden. In Scandinavia, Easter is the most celebrated time of the year. So we have a 5 day holiday at work.

Few of my colleagues and me are going on a train trip to Copenhagen, Hamburg and Cologne (Germany), Amsterdam (Netherlands) and if possible to Brussels (Belgium).

But that shouldnt leave you in the cold. So we have an Easter egg for you, hidden in this post. Find out the URL and click on it and you will be treated with a secret treasure of excel and charting tips. Savor them while I am on a cross country trip.

Happy Easter Weekend Everyone…


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    26 Responses to “There is an Easter Egg in this Post”

    1. Andy Cotgreave says:

      Couldn't you have hidden a flight simulator or something? 😉

    2. Matthieu says:

      Is it that link "..." under "..." words ?

    3. Stružák says:

      Nice post and quite well hidden easter egg. Happy Easter to everybody. 🙂

    4. Oliver Montero says:

      I suck at finding easter eggs...

    5. Gagan says:

      Great Easter Egg. Absolutely Useful. Needed it. Thanks.

    6. Ben says:

      Am I stupid? I couldn't find it 🙁


    7. Navin says:

      Happy Easter everyone. Very useful tips.

    8. Jason says:

      Don't feel bad Ben... I can't find it as well. The frustrating thing about this is that I'm sure its right in front of my eyes. I'm going to take 5 and give it another try.

    9. Steve says:

      You hid it well. I cannot find it in your message but found it under the page in your message 😉

      Happy Easter

    10. cybpsych says:

      Location: .... The hidden hyperlink is at the ....

      How I find it: Since it's hidden within the post, the link must be somewhere along the words. I've tried to target the 'dot' of each i, but that seems to be a bit tedious. Then I ZOOMed the whole page itself and that makes my search easier! LOL! I noticed the word ....

    11. Victor says:

      Found it.. Move your mouse around the word "..." or else check out the page ...

    12. Hypnos says:

      Okay smartie...

      a. you’re treading on shaky grounds... I’m going to patent “obscurity on a webpage” for klueless and then you’ll have to pay me royalty... muahahaha

      b. the innards of that link are wrong — it’s the wrong symbol — just a typographic nuance.

    13. Jason says:

      How in the world did I miss that! LOL! Thanks for the links Chandoo and thanks to those who had the patience to find and point out the link. Happy Easter Everyone.

    14. Well that one was cunningly hidden. All the best for your cross-country trip. Happy Easter

    15. Ozh says:

      Fun idea to insert an easter egg link! Will steal it:)
      (btw, it's rather easy to find it if you're a feed subscriber, ie don't get the styling. The link really pops when unstyled:)

    16. Gerald Higgins says:

      Here's how I found it - the tab key can be used to scroll through all the hyperlinks on the page.

    17. Michael Podemski says:

      You can also scan the source code to find the link to the Easter egg.

    18. Sridhar says:

      NICE ... 😉 ... I knew it had to be something inconspicuous

    19. Corando says:

      It's on the apostrophe in line five "But that shouldn't have......".
      Very nice hiding of the Easter Egg

    20. Chandoo says:

      @All: Hope you had a good Easter break.

      I had a fantastic trip. We have been to Copenhagen, Hamburg, Hannover and Amsterdam. After the trip I was so exhausted that I extended the blogging break to a whole week. Now I am completely back to PHD with lots of new ideas.

    21. [...] read this post in email or feed reader. Just come to my blog and see it. Click here. PPS: Check out last year’s Easter Egg post to get some inspiration. PPPS: Have a blasting weekend. See you on Tuesday with more excel stuff! [...]

    22. hwsris says:

      I couldn’t find it

    23. [...] you want few more challenges, try our Easter eggs from past – 2009, 2010,  2011 & [...]

    24. Suresh Kumawat says:

      Its superb! Just solved it after having a beautiful brain fight. The third question is fabulous and much awkward.
      Anyways thanks a lot.

    25. dharmendra says:

      im a new joined in this site and as i learned this site is very usefull in excel programmes and works im so happy to find here many trips of excel. hope u keep on posted here nice trics in future.... and may all the learners get a chance to learn more and more

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