
Details about upcoming Power Pivot course

Power Pivot - 8 comments

As we are getting ready to open enrollments for my upcoming Power Pivot online class, I am having a very busy and exciting time. Today, let me share few more details about our course.

First about the Power Pivot

Power Pivot adds world-class Business Intelligence (BI), Reporting and analysis capabilities to plain old Excel. It lets you connect, analyze and visualize massive amounts of data with ease.

While this technology is hugely empowering it is also has a steep learning curve for many of us. So in 2013 I started an online class to teach Power Pivot. So far I have trained more than 800 people on Power Pivot. Most people (and businesses) have transformed the way they analyze data and present results once they discovered what Power Pivot can do.

And now, I am very glad to tell you that my Power Pivot course along with Rob Collie’s Advanced Power Pivot course (aka Power Pivot University) is open for new session.

We are opening these courses for enrollment on 10th of February (Next Monday) for your consideration.

Why you should learn Power Pivot?

Here are 5 reasons why you should learn Power Pivot now!

5 reasons why you should learn Power Pivot

A little bit about our courses

  1. Course Brochure: This is ready. Click here to download your copy. Use this brochure to understand the course contents, methodology, important dates, course fees and your teachers. You can also use the brochure to ask your boss / company to sponsor you.
  2. Detailed Lesson Plans: Between Excel School, Power Pivot and Advanced Power Pivot class (aka Power Pivot University), you will get more than 70 hours of video material and 150 different lessons. This is such a huge treasure trove of Excel & data analysis knowledge that you want to know what you will be getting. So I made detailed lesson plans. See them here:
    Excel School, Power Pivot & Advanced Power Pivot.
  3. Course fees: Both Excel School & Power Pivot courses are $247 each. Advanced Power Pivot course is $347 per participant.You can combine any 2 courses from $447 (you save $47).
    You can combine all 3 courses for $747 (you save $94).
  4. Course fees if you live in India: They will be Rs. 12,000 for a single course (Rs 18,000 for Adv. Power Pivot), Rs 22,000 onwards for 2 courses and Rs 40,000 for all 3 courses.
  5. Important Dates: Enrollment for the class opens on FEBRUARY 10th, Monday (2014)
    Classes begin on: As soon as you join
    Enrollment closes for Adv. Power Pivot class: 21 February, Friday (2014)
    Note: enrollments for Excel School & Power Pivot will remain perpetually open from 10th of February.
  6. Bulk discounts & corporate enrolments: Oh yes. If you enroll as a team (3 or more members), you get 25% discount on total tuition fees. Just send an email to chandoo.d@gmail.com for details on bulk enrollment.
  7. Guest lectures by rock stars of Excel world: Between Rob Collie & I, we have managed to get quite a few really inspiring & awesome guest teachers for the course. You will be learning from Debra Dalgleish (Contextures), Mike Alexander (Data Pig Technologies), Robert Mundigl (Clearly and Simply), Ken Puls (Excel Guru), Miguel Escobar (Author, Power Pivot wizard) and Zack Baresse in our online classes. You can learn so much from these individuals and gain a wholesome perspective on analyzing & visualizing data in Excel.
  8. Demo lessons: Click here to access demo lessons.

A note about Rob’s Advanced Power Pivot class

During August 2013, I have partnered with Rob Collie to offer Advanced Power Pivot training thru Chandoo.org. Rob is a good friend, fellow MVP and author. As my agreement with Rob ends in February, there are few changes to the way this course is offered.

Please keep these in mind when enrolling for the classes.

  • Both Excel School & Power Pivot class are designed & taught by me (Chandoo).
  • Rob Collie teaches Advanced Power Pivot class (this is also known as Power Pivot University)
  • This is the last time Chandoo.org offers Rob’s class for sale. After February 21st, you will NOT be able to enroll in the Advanced Power Pivot class.
  • However, you can join both Excel School, Power Pivot class anytime starting February 10th.
  • You will NOT be able to download Rob’s Advanced Power Pivot class videos. These lessons can be viewed online only.
  • Both Excel School & Power Pivot class have view & HD download facility as always.

Any Questions?

That is all for now. I am very happy with the way things are shaping and could not wait for the launch.

If you have any questions or doubts, post a comment and I will help you.


Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.

Thank you and see you around.

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8 Responses to “Details about upcoming Power Pivot course”

  1. Lina Contreras says:

    R these classes live or pre- recorded?

  2. sam says:

    1) Are all the modules complete or are there some that are WIP.
    2) How long after the course is complete are the videos accessible on line
    3) Any particular reason for not allowing the videos to be downloaded
    4) Can the videos be viewed in any sequence or are they made available only in a sequence of the Course contents

    • Chandoo says:

      I can answer most of these.

      1. All modules from Rob are complete. Few guest lessons are WIP and we are hoping to have them ready in next 6 weeks. Also, Rob's Power Pivot Alchemy book will be made available as soon as it is published. This is something that Rob cannot control (as publishers take some time to get the book ready).

      2. You can access the course materials for 12 months from the time you join. All the core videos & few guest videos are available from day 1.

      3. Rob will answer.

      4. You can watch them in any sequence. We recommend following lesson plan for optimum results.

      • theet says:

        Hi, Where can we find Rob's answer to #3 question from Sam? I have a friend who would like to sign up but he only has Internet access at work and thus would like to study at home. What do you suggest w.r.t this #3 question?

        I reffered to a *.mpp file in my previous post (MS Project). I work with these files and wondered how I can link to a *.mpp in PowerPivot as MS Project has an Access dB in the background and I need data from these tables. Can this be done?

  3. theet says:

    Re :Sams @Rob above. I would like answers to his same questions. I always like to go back on the files/video after some time. If the Videos cannot be D/L, how long will they be avaliable on the internet? Is this because you offer a discount for 2 course's

    I also woutd like to know how to get tables from MS project file.ie *.mpp into PowerPivot

    What bog can I get a simple answer for: Merging Tables with the same Columns and Layouts in PowerPivot

    What blog can I get IT solutions WRT = being part of a Access Workgroup and having to use a usernames/passwords to normally access this MS Project dB. I have to enter both even if I develop my own D\B in Access...Sorry guys, I HAVE to live with data from an Access DB as well as a SQL dB or two

    • Chandoo says:

      See my answers above.

      And regarding merging data from 2 similar tables, I suggest using Power Query or SQL. Both these are covered (especially the SQL UNION and Power Query Merge) in my Power Pivot course (not Rob's).

  4. theet says:

    Hi, I have noticed on the web page showing the price for both Power Pivot courses it is $447, BUT when one checks out it is $547 .....mmmm, has anyone else noticed this?

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