
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017 [Holiday Greeting]



A big, warm & pleasant hello to you.

I wish you a merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017. May your holidays be filled with joy, togetherness, celebrations and fulfillment. May your new year be filled with hope, energy and awesomeness.

I want to tell you how thankful I am for all your support in this year. Every time you visit our website, read an article, leave a comment, enroll in a course, purchase a product, read one of my books, listen to a podcast episode, watch a video or tell your friends about Chandoo.org, I feel nothing but gratitude, thankfulness and amazement. 2016 has been a remarkable year in our journey and I owe this to you and your support.


About this year’s holiday card

I lost my DSLR during transit to New Zealand. All our picture have been selfies since July this year. We took this silly-face selfie during a bush walk near our house in Wellington. Did I tell you that there are tons of amazing walks and bicycle rides in Wellington? As long as you don’t mind hills, winds, unpredictable weather you will love them. 😉

Holiday schedule of Chandoo.org

This year, I have been very lazy with the blog. I don’t see a reason why I should suddenly be productive. So see you in the new year.

Our forum:

Our Excel forum will be up and running during the holiday season. That said, I would not expect quick help for any problems as most of our regular members would be away on holiday break. You have higher chance of getting snow in Wellington than finding someone to answer your Excel question during next few days. You see, unlike most of the world, NZ (and few other countries) have their summer in December. So be patient and enjoy the holidays.

Online store:

Our online store will be open. Any purchase you make for training programs, templates or eBooks will be delivered as promised. If you join our course on Christmas eve or day or on new year day, please expect to receive your password by the end of next working day. If you have any support query, please expect to hear a resolution by 9th of January.


If you are sending me an email, please expect a reply only after 9th of Jan. If you have something urgent to say, you can call me (find my number on the site).

Once again…,

On behalf of my family, our staff, volunteers and well wishers, let me wish you a very pleasant holiday season and an awesome start to 2017.

PS: Here is some holiday fun – Christmas card & snow flakes  made in Excel.


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– Jason

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11 Responses to “Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017 [Holiday Greeting]”

  1. Anthony says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy 2017!!!

    Health, Wealth, and Happiness!

  2. indzara says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to you and your family. Best wishes.

  3. Almir Jorge da Silva says:

    Boas Festas!!!!

    Sempre em frente.

    Fraternal abraço.


    [Google Translate]
    Happy Holidays!!!!
    Always forward.
    Fraternal embrace.

  4. Salah says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy 2017!!!

    Health, Wealth, and Happiness!

  5. MF says:

    Merry Christmas!!!
    Wish you and your family a wonderful new year of 2017!

  6. Athman says:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Chandoo.

  7. Rasheed says:

    Happy new year ....

  8. jayanth & amoeba street says:

    great to hear this from you chandoo! awesome reading your blogs. keep doing... keep inspiring... hapiii newyear

  9. Harold says:

    Einen Guten Rutsch und die besten Wünsche für Euch alle in 2017!

  10. Walter Frisbie says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

    You are an awesome source of learning and wisdom!!!

  11. Duggu says:

    I am always visit your website to read your personal blogs, but I disappointed, please provide such personal blogs so that we (other readers too) can know where are you? what you are doing?

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