
Love letters to Chandoo.org

blogging - 13 comments

Love letters to Chandoo.orgHi folks,

Today is valentines day. So I thought I should share a few love letters I recently got.

Correction: These letters are not for me, but for our site – Chandoo.org

Addendum: Don’t write me off yet. In my college days I did get all of 17 love letters, mostly because campus postman mistook me (room number 79) for the six foot athletic hunk in room number 29.

While I may not get cat calls & suggestive remarks when I walk on the street, Chandoo.org, the site would totally be kissed and hugged by people of all sexes and ages (well 21 and above).

You see, our site is like Ryan Gosling of Excel websites (or Mila Kunis). Those of slightly older can imagine Chandoo.org as George Clooney or Marissa Tomei of the data analysis world.

How else can I explain the barrage of love letters I get for Chandoo.org?

Here is a sample

Sent by Paul Wyatt,

Hi Chandoo.

Many thanks for your patience and understanding. I have now successfully purchased your course and look forward to discovering Power Pivots and applying your teachings to my own employment. It will be very interesting to see what can be achieved by bringing Excel, VBA (downloaded but still yet to learn) and SQL together with Power Pivots.

I am very excited to be on this course. You really are a fantastic tutor and have made a real difference. You don’t offer value for money, you offer excellent and complete services for incredible prices. There is nothing else out there that is as immediately useable as your courses are.

Kindest regards,

Paul Wyatt

Read our love letters this valentines day

Of course, Paul is not the only one raving about Chandoo.org. There are more. So I created a love letters page. Here you can find some of the recent letters I got. I will update this page with more as we go.

Check out our love letters.

Love is not one way street

Of course, it would be cruel to take all this love and give nothing back. But you know I am not like that.

So here we go again.

I truly love you,

because you take time to learn
because you respond to me with comments
because you share your knowledge with me
because you correct me when I am wrong
because you always open my mails
because you tell others about me
because you smile when I joke (even if it is a geeky silly joke)
because you support me by buying what I sell
because you force me to be better at what I do
and above all,
because you are awesome!!!

Do you love Chandoo.org?

We love you too!!!

Go ahead and profess your love for Chandoo.org in these 4 ways:

  1. Tell your colleagues / friends why you love us. Send them here.
  2. Tweet your love
  3. Like us in Facebook. Tell the world about your relationship with us.
  4. Leave a comment and tell why you love us.


PS: The picture (of woman writing a love letter) is how I am imagining you. Gorgeous, happy, fun & awesome.


Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.

Thank you and see you around.

Related articles:

Written by Chandoo
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13 Responses to “Love letters to Chandoo.org”

  1. reda says:

    i love chandoo.org

  2. Deirdre says:

        I came across your site by accident and thought this is an unusual name ,lets see..anyway  I had all these banking statements in excel format and although I did know how to use excel here and there  but it had been a while.Since I saw a few videos along with some other tutorials I might add..I just sorted out about 5 years of that data that I was scared to touch  in a span of an hour an a half maybe (there was a lot of copy paste involved)..I was multitasking..but thank you so much..I might go out and get a job..I'm no expert but Im interested to learn more..thank you for that inspiration ..cheers and God bless!!

  3. Doug S says:

    Oh, Chandoo.  How I appreciate thee, let me countif thee ways.
    Thanks for all that you do and showing everyone the hidden magic of Excel. 

  4. *AHEM*
    A poem:
    One time I was using Excel
    On a problem I continued to dwell 
    But I found Chandoo online
    Then blew everyone's mind!
    And they became awesome as well
    Happy Valentine's Day to All!

  5. Fred says:

    My feeling of Chandoo:
    Life before Chandoo was like being lost in the sea of Excel challenges.  I swam alone searching for land trying to find any means to keep me afloat.
    When I found Chandoo I felt like I have found a SUPER life vest!
    Better yet, this super life vest has a beacon pointing me toward not just a piece of land but towards the direction of "Land of Excel Awesomeness"!
    Thank you Chandoo and thank all that have ever helped one another.
    Happy Valentine's day.

  6. Frances Wise says:

    You are a genius with a warm and tender heart.  That's why I love you!! 

  7. Karthi Ganesh says:

    How can I ignore this lovable, cute and awesome chandoo.org ?
    This valentine's day, I wish you all success.  Make more people awesome in Excel.

  8. Nidhi Sharma says:

    I love chandoo for it's simplicity in making us understand the biggest complexity in Excel.
    it seems now like a long distant relationship !! 

  9. Santosh says:

    chandoo = can + do
    chandoo = Meray dot kya tumhay lakar main CHAND + doo

  10. Santosh says:

    chandoo = can + do
    chandoo = Meray dost kya tumhay lakar main CHAND + doo

  11. Suresh says:

    Dear Chandoo.......!
    You are my teacher and I am you student.......!

  12. SHEENA says:

    Dearest Chandoo,
    I came across ur site accidentally but now I swear by ur site. U hv made helped me to excel in Excel as well as my career as securities analyst. Thanks a ton. Love u my luv:)))))))

  13. saeede says:

    lots of email

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