Welcome to Chandoo.org !
I have purchased my domain name and some puny webspace yesterday night using the plastic. I started experimenting with moving the blog pages from Blog*spot to this place. Finally the move is complete and now all my future blogs will be available here [http://chandoo.org/blog] only. It is at this point i understood that i need to make some changes inorder to continue blogging on the new url. they are,
– removal of individual post pages and comments. This is to ensure that each of my posts wont suck up the space on my domain. To provide comments i am using a haloscan account now. it is much easier than the earlier one. Talking about the links that are pointing to the earlier posts, well they are pretty much there. and they will continue to work for another 3-4 months. meanwhile i will phaseout all such links and point them to the monthly archives.
– removal of crap from the template to occupy less space. This gives me the freedom to blog that extra bite 😛 (for those who are number conscious, given my content size per month i can post 100 months using the existing space :P)
– Blogrolling – this is another move towards the space conservation. Also this will help me in consolidating all my links and updating it every now and then.
– Template modification – this is done to match the new domain url and ambience. Onething i have firmly understood while doing these changes is that i dont have enough time to change my blog everynow and then. Actually i do it very frequently because the tech in me is still alive. Somehow i started feeling that the good ol’ software engineer in me slowly dying :D. Also thanks largely to the concentration camp i am in. The schedule is leaving little time for things like this. So, i am hoping to stick to the current template for next couple of months (atleast till summers). Please post your views about the template in comments. If you have any small suggestions may be i can incorporate sometime next week 🙂
Last but not least please change the urls in your blogrolls or listings to the new one. Even though i have pointed http://modusindoramus.blogspot.com to this place i am not very sure how long blog*spot will keep the domain active.
Happy Reading 🙂
Y! Status says: Welcome to Chandoo.org !

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My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
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i want to good at excel and do chatgpt make excel irrelevant