Updates on Website, Office 2010 Contest
We have updates!!!
- Chandoo.org on Cloud: Everybody and their grandmother is going cloud these days. Although I am quite nebulous about this cloud thing, over the weekend, I mustered some courage and messed with Amazon Cloud Front. I am happy to tell you that Chandoo.org should feel faster and more responsive as I moved some of the most frequently accessed files (logos, style sheets and few images) to Amazon Cloud Front CDN (Content Delivery Network).
Dont worry too much if you do not understand anything other than the grandmother reference above. Just care to know that our little website should feel slightly faster. Excel School – 2nd Batch on June 14th 2010: We have all the background work done for Excel School 2nd Batch. The registration opens on June 14th. Few important things you should know are, (1) you can access all the lessons on day 1 (2) If you are fast learner, you can finish all topics in a week. (3) The program comes in 2 flavors – online only version @ $ 67 and online + download version @ $97. That means more of you can afford this beautiful program and sharpen your excel skills. Check out all new Excel school page for details and instructions.
- Print Articles in Style: I am not sure if you have noticed yet. But when you are reading an article on this site, if you hit print button from your browser, you get a neatly formatted print version of the article. I have added something called print.css to our site so that you can print only the article and comments and exclude all the meta (like ads, sidebar, comment fields etc.). Try printing an article today to see what I mean.
- Office 2010 Contest: The contest is very simple. You post a comment any of these 5 posts (1,2,3,4,5) and you can win a copy of Office 2010 home & student edition. I have 3 copies to giveaway. One for my International Readers and 2 for Indian readers. The contest will close on this Friday – 4th of June, 2010. The contest is sponsored by Microsoft India (visit meraoffice.com for more details about office 2010). Go ahead and comment to win.
- And an update on my ass: Yesterday, we drove almost 60 kilometers (37 miles) to attend a friend’s marriage. We drove on our trusty little bike and now my ass is sore. I can barely sit. To top it, my upper body (arms, shoulders) doesnt feel good either, as Nishanth, my son, asks me constantly to pick him up (lest he starts crying maniacally). I feel like a blog holiday is due. So take deep breaths and practice your sumproducts if you dont see a new post on Chandoo.org tomorrow.
Oh, yeah, you can make all the “sorry for your ass” jokes in comments in the meanwhile. But I can tell you, none of those comments will win you a copy of Office 2010.
That is all for now. Wait for the regular broadcast to resume.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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6 Responses to “Updates on Website, Office 2010 Contest”
Hi Chandoo,
Attended your excel presentation during the Office 2010 launch. It was a good experience.
So you must be really tired after the long journey. Take the rejuvenating break and hope to see you with more nice excel tips.
I've noticed a definite speed up when submitting posts
Cancel that last post, it was way slower than normal
Hello Chandoo,
I hardly can wait till Friday 🙂
@Saju.. thank you so much. I am happy you liked my session.
@Hui.. the core blogging engine and commenting code still runs on my webserver (which is on shared hosting). So it is expected to be slow or unresponsive when a flood of visitors come in.
@Cyril... I wish I had more office licenses to giveaway...
Guess MS will have a lot if they lose G...le laptops business 🙂
I know it's not the place for this but I couldn't help from it.
See ya and continue your very helpful job for all of us, followers.