Of exams and holidays
only financial management exam is left. its going to be a 60% objective and 40% descriptive exam. quite some material is there for reading. but the feeling that vacation will start in a matter of hours time is exciting everyone. Junta are in major chillout mood today and yours truly is no exception.
Todays exams were decent. RM which is an open book exam has no surprizes and i managed to get the answers from the book for most of the questions. Afternoon we had MIS which should naturally be easy for me. Barring a couple of questions I have managed to attempt all of them.
Talking about the exams the toughest of them all is definetly OM and QT. In both of them we had cases and the papers made most of us think rather than doing usual ctrl+C and ctrl+V from our brains. Especially OM where almost 30% of the paper is on JIT philosophy is really good.
Been to library to get some books to read in the hols. Got Life of Pi, Art of War. Art of war is supposed to be the best book ever written for leaders. Gotta see how much of it is true. Life of Pi which is a booker prize winner should be fine.
Thats all for now.

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