
How to feel wonderful?

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Everyone of us have our better days. and then none of us can escape the tenseful, loaded days either. Despite boasting about the chilled life of school, I still live a hectic life quite often. When i started off my mba (or pgp as we call it) I was pretty scared about the prospect of having to spend countless days with little sleep and missing all joys of life. Alas, that was not the case to be, as i sit today in my room. But life is not that kind all the times.

I still remember my first submission night. I worked till 3 or something like that. Then i thought i will take a small break and then start the work again. I slept on my sack and closed my eyes. When i opened my eyes it was 8:20. I have 1 hour and 10 mins to complete the report, fire the print and rush to classes. Even though i managed to type the report i couldnt take the print out and thus have to loose a grade for late submission. But I took more than grades from the submission. I learned to revitalize myself when i am excessively stressed. some of the things i do to give a quick break to my mind…

– take a bath under shower
– music, especially ARR’s.
– watch a song video. I like watching “Ab mujhe raat din” (listen)
– walk down the hill
– chat on messenger
– clean my feet with hot water. I use a tub of hot water and keep my legs in it for a couple of minutes
– run
– talk positive

So tell me, are you feeling bored and frusti after reading my post? go take a bath :d



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