
Data Tables and Monte Carlo Simulations (Update)

Huis , Posts by Hui , simulation - 8 comments

Problem –

A few people have told me that the example files in Data Tables & Monte Carlo Simulations in Excel – A Comprehensive Guide either Hangs or Freezes there computer.

Thats not good!

This may be due to the file having quite a few large Data Tables especially when opened on lower end pc’s.

Solution –

I have seperated each Tab as a seperate Excel 2007 file, see below:

1. 1 Way.xlsx
2. 2 Way.xlsx
3. Monitor Multi Variables.xlsx
4. Multiway Table.xlsx
5. Monte Carlo (Simple).xlsx
6. Monte Carlo (Adv).xlsx

Also the Data Tables in some files have ben removed and instructions left as to how to re-instate them

The above links have also been placed in the original post.

I hope you can continue to enjoy this post.



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8 Responses to “Data Tables and Monte Carlo Simulations (Update)”

  1. Nitin says:

    Hi Hui,

    Many thanks for this. Very helpful indeed!



  2. Spotpuff says:

    I was interested in testing that spreadsheet before. I have a core i5-750 @3.6GHz and 8GB of RAM and yes it seems to crash/freeze a lot, so I didn't bother looking much further into the spreadsheet.

    Maybe these new ones are less crashy.

  3. Raghav says:

    Thanks a lot hui for breaking down the file and making it easier for opening.

    This was by far the most comprehensive post on a very important model and extremely informative too (for tenderfoots like me).


  4. Abhijit Sharma says:

    Hi Hui
    Many many thanks it will be very useful for me.
    Abhijit Sharma

  5. David says:

    Hui, this is much appreciated. It achieves essentially what AtRisk or Crystal software does. One question pls: Can decision tree be added-in? So, instead of (or/and in addition to) probabilistic formulae, we can have some decision branches, in simple Yes/No, and simple discrete probabilities like 30%, 40%, 30% (i.e. low, mid, high cases). I'm not Excel adept to draw/model decision trees; if such a tool exists in Excel (or not?). Best

  6. Hui... says:


    Monte Carlo analysis is a method of running the model repeatedly, assigning different values taken randomly from a known distribution into a number of input variables to the model, and saving the inputs and outputs for later analysis.
    Decision Trees are part of the logic that is/can be built into the model, so yes this can be done.

  7. Ayush says:

    Hui & Chando,
    It will be great, if you can build something regarding decision trees..


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