Minor Changes to PHD’s Look and Feel
Over the weekend I had sometime to cleanup the CSS and improve page layouts of PHD. The changes are:
- Post bottoms are hot now! Beneath each post you can now see 2 sets of links. One set with the usual sharing links for you to save the article to delicious or stumble or email it to a friend. The other set with Related Posts. This is how it looks now (don’t worry, the background color is not there):
I have installed the wonderful Yet Another Related Posts Plugin. Matt Cutts says its good, who am I to question. It is already producing neat results.
- Menu bar is hot too: The old menu bar on the top of the page was kind of weird. It was lost in the clutter of text on the pages. So I just added some dull background color and made the text easier to read. Also changed the look of search box. Go find what you want 🙂
- Some minor color changes to improve your ability to skim posts. Also, it is easier to see commenter’s website URLs now. Earlier they were kind of lost.
Let me know if you see something funny or broken. You will get a virtual donut and electronic latte. Chomp, chomp, slurp, slurp!

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3 Responses to “Minor Changes to PHD’s Look and Feel”
wowzer!! Awesome clean-up dude. I am loving the way you have presented so much data so concisely. The tag cloud needs to be tweaked to reflect the no. of times that tag was used .. maybe through colour or size of that tag .. what say?
As much as I loved the hand-drawn RSS/Delicious images, the smaller icons are much cleaner in an information-heavy blog.
The tag clouds would benefit from a little clarity though, maybe font size-weighted to indicate frequency; see http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/11/07/tag-clouds-gallery-examples-and-good-practices/
@Kida... coming from you that is an awesome comment. I agree the tag cloud has been kind of neglected. I need to look at google analytics to see how many people actually use it and if needed will move it to archives page or footer area or format it better.
@Sam : thanks for the link. As said, I am going to change the tag-cloud formatting pretty soon. yeah, that is precisely what I felt about the hand-drawn icons.