From a tiny little site in 2004, grew to be massive resource on all things Excel & Power BI today. Running this site is an exciting thing. Over the years, I have learned to use certain software, hardware, websites to help me maintain this site & my YouTube channel and make people awesome in their work. Now a days, many people ask me, “Hey Chandoo, what tool do you use to do that? It looks cool.” This page is my answer to those questions.
About the links
I use affiliate links for most of the products / services mentioned on this page. I receive a small commission if you chose to purchase the item.
Anything else you want to know?
Do you want to know about any other stuff I use? Leave a comment so I can update this page.
One email per week with Excel and Power BI goodness. Join 100,000+ others and get it free.
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72 Responses to “Stuff I use and recommend”
I believe in my opinion no one shares what goes behind to run their websites.You are awesome being open in sharing these to us.
Just curious,what made you to choose MS excel as the prime content for the website.
@Abhinay... thanks for the love & appreciation. I chose Excel mainly because that is what I was using everyday back in 2007.
HI Chandoo, You have been a great trainer in latest excel updates particularly power query and power BI.
Seeking your advise on analysing the following data
1. 4 files with 500k rows of data with 15 columns , all data is cleaned out.
2. the column heading are same in all the the files
3. I have tried to import in power query and import it exceeds 1.048m rows of data
4. Tried power pivot but it can not create data relation because the heading are same it requires unique field.
Mate what is your recommended suggestion.
Dear Chandoo,
Wow Chandoo you are awesome! Nobody gives such a list of tools.
Can you please update this list with Antivirus program you use?I think it is must for Internet Savvy people like you,right??
Thank You.
Hi Pushkar... Thanks.
I use Microsoft Security Essentials & Windows Firewall. These are free tools provided by MS.
I pray that you succeed with your business and enjoy it !!
You are a true MAN.
Awesome is the only word that suits you sir !!. I am your junior at Planet-I.
@Mohsin & Manoj.. Thank you so much for the lovely words.
Hello Mr.Chandoo,
Thansk for the list.
What Bank and type of account do you use/suggest for online payments received and other transactions.
I would like to start a website and would like to connect the paypal account and other accounts you have mentioned above, to the bank account.
Which bank do you suggest and what type of account do I need to open?
Please let me know.
@Shaan.. Welcome to and thanks for your comment. I use ICICI & SBH to handle all payments. You can open current account with any bank (thank has IFSC, Wire transfer enabled) near your office / home. Please ask your banker about service charges, maintenance fees and any special charges applicable for receiving oversees funds. Most large banks have very low / no charges on stuff like this.
Hello Mr.Chandoo,
Thanks for your reply!
You are doing an excellent job and a good inspiration to people like me.
Take care.
This is so amazing and you are awesome.
I was a complete newbie when I started reading your blog and now am thinking of blooging on Excel.
Thanks for such a great blog.
Hi Purna/Chandoo.. Not sure what would you prefer to be called ;). I am very much impressed with your work!! No words to express. Trying to sign up for your newsletter and feed, but getting an error. Page cannot be displayed.
Thanks and regards,
Pradeep D
Hi Chandoo. Thank you so much for sharing this information. Like you, I am setting up a site with free videos and pay videos. How do you handle the pay video access? I want it to be as seamless as possible for the users... something like this:
- they pay for the package of videos (like your site has)
- they can then login at my site to get to those videos, probably hosted on another site/server
- they can parse the "paid for" list at any time, rather than having to find an e-mail I sent them with a link to each package.
Any advice on this?
You can use Amazon S3 space and bandwidth costs (for hosting videos and other files securely) – roughly $10 per month
Chandoo you r really great!!!
you shared a lot of things . Thanks!!!!
I want to know do u yourself create ur Websites Or some designer.????
Which software do u use then for website creation?
Have a look here:
Chandoo Garu & everyone here
Your site is really great. I honour & respect your views the way you described in this site. You are so honest, sharing, caring & cool.
May God bless your entire family & all the best to you Sir,
Thank you so much for such a lovely & awesome site.
This word "awesome" suits more when this word is used by yourself.
Good word "Awesome"
Thank you so much.
[...] There are many other software, companies and websites that help me every day. I am really thankful to each and every one of these. Detailed listing here. [...]
Hi Chandoo & team,
clearly your site is just outstanding. The information sharing is 1st class and the attention to detail is superb.
Thanks so much and wish you every success in 2013. See you again when you are next in Australia.
I would love to know if you can recommend anyone that does what chandoo does for excel but in word?
Hello, I signed up for all 4 classes but I cannot load the video on my I pad, please help!
Hi Chandoo, I am seeing this page for almost 6 to 7 times by now but still i feel like seeing because of the good info that you have posted. You are really a good hearted and awesome as a person. Very few will share the hidden secrets like this. Thanks again
Awesome! is the right word to express your work Chandoo
. I have a suggestion for taking Static Screenshots. Try I have been using it for more than a year now and it works very efficiently with its shortcuts.
hi chandoo
i am new to your site, work and your will to share. I did design a microfinance product front end and i have been looking for ways to do the backend. pls visit my site to gain an insight into what i am taking about. i used serif's webplus 6.
brother, it is awesome work,
meeru intha open ga cheppadam chaala great
keep rocking brother, good n8,
I have very inspired by your work.
What program do you use to create the animated gifs?
I thought maybe it would be on this page but I couldn't find it.
I use camtasia to record and produce animated gifs. It is mentioned in the list above
Great thanks!!
I saw that Camtasia was/is one of the tools that you use. I didn't know that you could use it to create/produce an animated gif. So very, very cool!!
I have SnagiT but do not have Camtasia yet...I can handle $30 but the $300 price tag for Camtasia has been prohibitive for me so far. But now I have one more reason for purchasing that amazing techsmith product.
Thanks again mr pointy haired dilbert!!!
I was just telling my friend. Rarely people share their secret of success. But you did! Awesome will be a lesser word to appreciate you.
I am also interested in MS Excel and getting experienced on a daily basis. Planning to start my blog/website related to MS Excel. Would appreciate your contribution towards my start and growth.
E Mail:
Hi Chandoo,
Thank you for sharing this useful information.
I tried using Camtasia Trial version. When I try to render video it really takes long and my Laptop entire CPU (100%). I am converting it to MP4 for some 20 minutes video. Tried searching on you tube but could not get appropriate answer.
Can you please tell me does it has to do anything with i5 or RAM? I am using i3 and 4 GB RAM?
I joined the excel school... curious if there is a way to view lessons on my ipad min... my first attempts were unsuccessful... is there an issue with accessing course materials on this device due to not being able to download anything or other reason?
awesome article bro clean description no BS i like it the way you shared the details i got to learn many things from this article particularly about website management ,i came across your site for the first time and i am impressed ill follow your site regularly but tell me from where do i start learning excel from your tuts and which version of excel is currently and most commonly used in the in Indian companies for their day to day need ,i am a bit confused about it and as per what i came across i see major difference between excell07 and 2010 mostly facelift with a few new and useful features and i have no idea about excel 2013 never used it.
Hi Chandoo,
Its really Awesome. I have no more words to say.
Hi Dear,
I am running consulting firm in Finance and Management and Recently I subscribed to your online classes programmes. I wanted to know, if any way out possible, to host my work in excel on my website for viewing/editing/experimenting without the visitor to download the same.
I like your blogs and looking forward to update on the post
Thanks and Regards,
Dhaval Paun
Hi Chandoo
What software/plugin do you use to handle membership to yuor courses? Do you use something like WP Wishlist?
Love the site!
[…] There are many other software, companies and websites that help me every day. I am really thankful to each and every one of these. Detailed listing here. […]
This site has been the gem of 2013 for me!
I like the way you have embeded video animation into your site - can you tell me how you achieved this result please. Id like to be able to show training videos with a similar effect.
Chandoo and I both use Camtasia Studio 7 for animations
It is used to make animated GIF files of recorded screen captures
Many thanks with your very prompt response. I will investigate this further with Camtasia. Its the 'animated GIF files of recorded screen capture' that im trying to understand how you managed to have this on a site as it answers my obsticle of 'how to i show users' without heavily loading the server with large video files.
You are a role model for me. I Just enjoying excel from last 3 years. I had found few months back that excel is the only thing which i have to do.
Will talk to you some day if possible.
Keep up the good work.I am glad that a fellow vizagite is rocking the online world with a awesome website which is very functional.
Hi Chandoo,
You have a great site and keep up the good work.
Your feeling of sharing is great.
You are really an open good person, really appreciate your work.
i want to learn software which help me to creat different add in , and i want that my software have installation facility so that user does not copy and use it to different computer , whish programming language you will recommend to me,
thank you
Do you do Seo for your website?
Hi Chandoo,
Im very pleased to be your follower.
In which resolution do you save the videos in camtasia ?.
Thanks in advance
Hi Chandoo
In fact my name is also a chandu (research scientist) and i would like to know how to generate a code for sequential numbers which are to be created in Ms word using VBA excel- macro language.
Appreciate your response and would like to join in your team.
Thank you.
You can use Numbering
Simply make a list and click on the Numbering Button
Insert a table
Select a cell in the 2nd Row
Goto the Layout, Formula tab
Set Display format
Repeat for each row
or using VBA
Sub ListNumbers()
For i = 1 To 10
Selection.TypeText Text:=i
End Sub
Hi Hui,
Do you use any membership plugins for managing subscriptions?
Chandoo is the owner of the site
I am just a naughty boy who helps out answering questions
Dear naughty boy & Megna... I use Wishlistmember. You can visit them here:
What do you use for Your classes , which membership software do you use?
At first I thought it was silly that you included this page (doesn't exactly match your core)... but I'm very thankful you did! I learned and have adopted a few of your recs!
Chandoo there are a lot of things we can learn from this post and thankew so much for sharing your knowledge ..afterall sharing is caring
Chandoo, for WordPress, do you use a custom theme, a framework (like Genesis or Thesis) or a multipurpose them (like Avada or X)? Thanks for all this great and useful information.
seriously you have done hard work to make people's life simpler
Can you please suggest a designer/developer who can create my web sales page (including graphics) and also help integrate it with e-junkie and 2checkout?
Have you ever tried using web scraping software to extract data? If so, Mozenda allows end users to automatically extract data that can be easily formatted in Excel and others.
Go ahead and start your trial today by visiting
Awesome information I really enjoyed.its wonderful and share it with my friends
Dear Chandoo,
Which emailing services you use for sending bulk email?
Good info to know. Any updates since this was published?
Dear Chandoo, You are an inspiration to me. Your tutorials are so awesome, once i open your website, i keep n reading and reading. All the articles are so captivating. Thanks a lot.
Its 2017 and the new age data analytics demads more. With Python and R challenging the godfather SAS, the emergence of bigdata tech and all has disrupted the Data Science Market.
I am a MBA student and learning Data Analysis. I wanted to ask you do you think in todays market, being a master of Excel alone will be good enough to be a business analyst ? If not what else shall i start learning ?
how much time you take to write these kind of stuff
Is your program MAC supported?
Dear Chandoo,
You are my role model. Very impressed (an understatement!) with your achievement.
I have one query about Paypal. They require a US bank account to withdraw money. I am from India same like you, not having any connection with US. Hence not able to open US Bank account.
Is there a workaround.
Thank you,
very nice information helpul for me thanks sir
Wow Man !! Awesome Article, Thanks For Sharing This Useful Information
After reading this I bought Yeti Mike. I tried to record but it doesn't capture sound. I tried all possible online solution but still couldn't get success. I think I'm doing something wrong our what. Will you please help. I'd like to understand how you run it.