
Home > Power BI

Power BI

Overview | Getting Started | Examples | Videos | Recommendations | Tips & Tricks

Welcome to Power BI on Chandoo.org. In this mini-site, you can find all about Power BI – Overview, Getting Started Tutorials, Examples, Videos, Courses, Book recommendations and more. Use below boxes to navigate to relevant pages.


Key terminology:

Power BI: Data visualization software

Power Query: Used for managing data. SQL for non SQL people. Available in Excel and Power BI.

Power Pivot: Calculation engine for your data. Think of Pivot Tables with way more options. Available in Excel and Power BI.

What is Power BI?

Introduction to Power BI

Power BI is a software to create & publish reports and data stories from your data-sets. You can make highly interactive, engaging and powerful reports, dashboards or visuals with Power BI. You can connect to any data (Excel files, SQL databases, BI warehouses, Cloud data, APIs, web pages and more), mashup the data, link one table with others, create clickable visualizations and then share them with your audience securely thru Power BI. Read more…

FREE Power BI Tutorial

Power BI is very easy to use, but hard to master. That is why I created a step-by-step tutorial to explain the process. 


Power BI Examples

Get loads of inspiration and ideas by looking at Power BI examples. In this section,


♦ Power BI dashboards
♦ How-to setup tool-tips
♦ Bookmarks and interactivity
♦ Conditional formatting
♦ Parameters and what-if modeling
♦ and more…


Power BI Videos

As Power BI is a visualization software, what better way than to learn it by video. In this section, find my own as well as a curated collection of Best Power BI videos to learn the software easily.

Power BI Resources

Power BI is relatively new, rapidly changing and widely used. That is why it is hard to keep up with the new things in PBI. In this section, find my recommended list of resources – books, websites, courses, videos, podcasts and more so that you can stay ahead in this game.

Power BI Course

Learn everything about Power BI, from data to analysis to outputs to publishing in my online class. You get 12 hours of video training with over 20 lessons on,


♦ Power Query for data management
♦ Power Pivot for analysis
♦ Working with Power BI visuals
♦ Interactions, bookmarks, tool-tips
♦ Parameters and what-if modeling
♦ Dashboards, story-telling

♦ Publishing, mobile compatible reports

♦ Best practice and tips