
Moved to WordPress from Blogger

blogging , hacks , technology - 6 comments

4 days of Christmas break without a thing to do. The first thing that came to my mind is to revamp my blog. I have been thinking of upgrading the blog (yes, thats right, upgrading) to wordpress from blogger for a while now. Since my blog is hosted on another site through ftp, there is no straight forward way of doing it. Finally yesterday I sat down for sometime, did a bit of research on how to move blogs from blogger to wp and found the right answer. I find WP really good and that is reason enough for the migration.

PHD moved from blogger to wordpress

Incase you are having a blogger blog hosted on a different server through ftp and thinking of moving to wordpress here are the steps you need to follow (you need to have wordpress installation done on your website before following these steps):

  • First back up your entire blog to your local machine using a good ftp client. I use FireFTP, its a neat little add-on to firefox that works amazingly smooth. Also back up your blog’s template from blogger > template to your computer.
  • Go to blogger > dashboard > your blog > settings > publishing and click on switch to blogspot link. Mention a blog name and say publish.
    Moving from blogger to wordpress
  • Next, go to your wordpress administration and select manage > import. If you have the latest version of wp (2.3.1) then blogger import option should be already there. Incase you are running a older version of WP, you can stop here and migrate to the latest version of WP. If you think upgrading to latest version is a hassle, install the wordpress automatic upgrade plug-in and it will take care of the upgradation process.
  • The blogger import screen of WP is pretty straight forward. It will first ask you to grant permission to access your google account. Provide your username and password there and click approved (or something like that). Later it will display all your blogs linked to your google account. Select the blog you want to migrate and click the magic button. Once the import is done, set authors. And you are done
  • Go back to your blogger and set the hosting back to your ftp server. Republish your blog. This will ensure that all your older posts and links are still available.
  • Go to your website control panel (for my site its cpanel, for you it could be different, contact your website administrator) and create a redirect if needed. (for me, earlier the blog was hosted at chandoo.org/blog, but now it is at chandoo.org/wp). You can also edit your blogger template and place a redirect code there.
  • If you use any feed burning services like feedburner, go to your account and change the feed url to your latest wordpress feed url (it should be [blog url]/feed, ex: chandoo.org/feed) This will take care of the feed change.
  • Now you are good to go! Enjoy WordPress!


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    6 Responses to “Moved to WordPress from Blogger”

    1. Kapil says:

      It seems during the import process some of your posts got re-posted with the new date.
      Check this screenshot from my Google Reader:

    2. Chandoo says:

      Hey kapil, thanks for pointing that out. I have been experimenting with the blog through out the long weekend and did several changes, added few redirects to make the subscribers job easy. I am hoping the double listing is not a permanent problem though. Please ping me if it persists.

    3. [...] you all may know I have recently moved my blog from blogger to wordpress. Since I have started blogging way back in 2004 most of my posts were untagged. I have used blogger [...]

    4. Rishil says:

      Your Blog Really Rocks, Keep up the good work. Its very helpful to lot of people..

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