
How to use SQL: Instructions, files & queries

How to use SQL - telugu instructions and files

In this page, please find all the files, installation instructions, resources and sample queries for my Telugu SQL video course on YouTube.

Software Installation (MySQL)

Before you can use MySQL, you must install and start the MySQL community server (and workbench software) on your computer. Please use below links for the software.

Installing Sample Database in MySQL

STEP 1: Open MySQL workbench and create a new database.

  1. After installing the software, restart your computer if needed.
  2. Open MySQL Workbench.
  3. If needed, start the MySQL service in your computer (by going to start menu and searching for services)
  4. Locate the “localhost” connection in MySQL Workbench and click on it to start a session.
  5. Once inside, right click in the navigator area and create a new schema for our sample data. Name it “ac_telugu” and apply to create the new database.

create schema - mysql

STEP 2: Download sample data

I am providing 5 CSV files to use with SQL. Download them and use the below screenshot to add these files to your MySQL.

Download the CSV files for Awesome Chocolates sample data.

Unzip the file to extract 5 CSV files.


STEP 3: Create tables from CSV files in MySQL

table data import wizard - mysql

  1. Right click on the newly created “ac_telugu” schema (database) and select the “Table data import wizard”.
  2. Browse and select the first CSV file (for ex: people-tel.csv)
  3. In the next screen, create a new table. Give it a name (for ex: people)
  4. Optionally, set data types for the import columns.
  5. Click next button until done.
  6. Repeat the process for all the CSV files.

Using MySQL and Writing Queries

Now that we have sample data, you can write queries to explore and analyze it.

In the MySQL workbench, click on File > New Query tab (CTRL T) and write SQL.

Use the below SQL to see all the shipment records from the shipments table.

					SELECT * FROM ac_telugu.shipments;

Practice Queries (10 examples)

Additional SQL Material