
Financial Modeling School > FAQs

Financial Modeling School FAQs

    FAQs on Financial Modeling School Methodology

  1. Do I need to be online at any specific time?
  2. What do I need to enjoy the lessons?
  3. I am an absolute newbie, can I join Financial Modeling School?
  4. What version of Excel do we use in this program?
  5. Can I ask questions or doubts?
  6. What happens if I am busy and cannot log-in for a while?
  7. How does Financial Modeling School Work?
  8. How much time does it take to finish the lessons?
  9. Will I get a certificate when I finish the course?
  10. What happens if I finish viewing all the lessons?
  11. FAQs on Pricing, Payments & Discounts

  12. What is the difference between ONLINE Option and ONLINE+DOWNLOAD Option?
  13. What do I need to sign up?
  14. How can I get my company pay for this program?
  15. Can I get a payment receipt?
  16. Can I upgrade to DOWNLOAD Option later?
  17. Or there any other payments or hidden costs?
  18. Do I have Money Back Guarantee?
  19. Are there any team discounts? I want to sign up my entire team.
  20. Financial Modeling School is pricey…
  21. FAQs on Topics & Content

  22. Will there be any home work?
  23. What are the topics covered in Financial Modeling school?
  24. Other FAQs

  25. Can I share the lessons or example files with colleagues or friends?

Do I need to be online at any specific time?No. You can watch the lessons at leisure. All the lessons are immediately accessible as soon as you sign-up. You can log-in and go thru the lessons at your own pace and comfort. You can even download the lessons and watch them offline (if you purchase the download option).

What is the difference between ONLINE Option and ONLINE+DOWNLOAD Option?Everything is same between ONLINE and ONLINE+DOWNLOAD options. The only added advantage of DOWNLOAD option is that, you can download all the lessons in HD quality and view them offline. This can be a very powerful thing as you get to see lessons at higher resolutions and repeat them at your wish.

What do I need to sign up?You need a credit card to purchase financial modeling school membership. In certain countries, you may use your checking account to make the payment too. Optionally, if you have PayPal account, you can use that too purchase financial modeling school membership. But in any case, having PayPal account is not necessary.

What do I need to enjoy the lessons?

  • A computer with a modern browser (IE7, Firefox or Chrome)
  • Excel 2007+ (Excel 2003 is fine too, but some lessons are suited for Excel 2007)
  • Speakers or ear phones that can give you good quality output
  • Time and zeal to learn

How can I get my company pay for this program?I have prepared a simple document explaining this program. Download [pdf link] and send it your boss. Since $297 is not a big amount, your boss should be happy to invest in your skills.

Can I get a payment receipt?Yes. As soon as you make the payment, We will send you a receipt. You can use this to claim reimbursement at work. Let us know if you need any additional documents, We can provide you them. Write to me at chandoo.d @ gmail.com.

I am an absolute newbie, can I join Financial Modeling School?The answer to this mixed. If you know various financial concepts (like balance sheet, profit-loss accounts, cash flow statements) then you can join the program even if you don’t know much excel. If you don’t know much about excel, then you should watch Excel Tutorials for Beginners series. But if you are completely to new to the world of finance and Excel, it may be difficult to follow the pace of this program.

What version of Excel do we use in this program?Excel 2007. For all the demos and videos, we use Excel 2007. Whenever we discuss an incompatible feature, We will provide some alternatives for Excel 2003. But this is not always possible. But most examples and ideas can be implemented right away in Excel 2003 or above.

Will there be any home work?Yes, At the end of each lesson, you can download a student copy of worksheet so that you can fill-up the file as per your understanding.

Can I ask questions or doubts?Absolutely. Financial Modeling School is similar to Chandoo.org blog. You can go thru the lesson and ask questions using comments feature. Both Paramdeep & I will answer them as we get time. Not just us, any one in the class can answer the questions.
(Pls. note that we cannot answer specific questions related to your work or not related to the topic under discussion).

What happens if I am busy and cannot log-in for a while?No worries, just log-in when you have time and go thru all the pending lessons. You can read / watch them in any order too.

Can I upgrade to DOWNLOAD Option later?Sure you can. It costs $77 to upgrade to DOWNLOAD option. You can find links to upgrade in Financial Modeling School.

Or there any other payments or hidden costs?No, there are no other payments or hidden costs other than what is stated here. You either pay $297 or $217. That is all.

Do I have Money Back Guarantee?Yes. Your membership comes with 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t like the program, please email me asking for refund and I will refund the money and cancel your membership. No questions asked. And the beauty is, we are still cool.

How does Financial Modeling School Work?Once you pay the course fees and sign up,

  • You will be given a userid and password to access classroom area
  • Once a week we will post new lessons & material in the classroom area. You can login and review this whenever you are free.
  • You can download example excel files, home work and videos (if you sign up for download option) for further learning
  • You can ask questions or discuss topics with other classmates thru comments

Learn more about Financial Modeling School from this guide. [PDF]

What are the topics covered in Financial Modeling school?Please refer to Financial Modeling School course curriculum guide[PDF] for more information on this.

How much time does it take to finish the lessons?Our estimates suggests that it would take 3 hours of viewing every week per 8 weeks to finish the program. On top, you may have to spend 2 hours a week practising what you learned. So, that would be an hour a day for 2 months of 2 hours a week for 4 months.

Are there any team discounts? I want to sign up my entire team.Thank you. And of course yes. If you sign up more than 3 people in one shot, you get 25% off the price, for all the students.
Please specify the quantity in order form and your discount will be applied automatically.

If you need further help, just send me an email – chandoo.d @ gmail.com or call me at +1 206 792 9480.

Will I get a certificate when I finish the course?You can request for a certificate when you are done going thru lessons. Around week 8, you will see a “request certificate” button. Use it to get your certificate.

What happens if I finish viewing all the lessons?Financial Modeling School is open from the time you register till April 18, 2011. You are free to repeat any lessons or ask questions if you have finished all of them.

Financial Modeling School is pricey…$217 (or $297) is what you will earn in a few days in most countries around the world. Investing this amount to boost your career skills is a very good move. Financial Modeling is a highly sought after area of work and knowing how to develop proper models can be of tremendous value to your career. However if you are finding this as an expensive option, I can totally understand to you. Here is what I suggest. Don’t join the program. Instead, go thru this free financial modeling course. Also there are very good sites like corality.com, plumsolutions.com.au offering good content on project finance, financial modeling etc. for free. Visit these sites to learn more and become awesome.

Can I share the lessons or example files with colleagues or friends?You cannot share lessons or videos with anyone. You cannot also share the bonus content (free ebooks etc.) with anyone. You can, however, share the example files with colleagues purely for work reasons (ie, if you use the example workbook to prepare a chart, you can share that).
Please note that Financial Modeling School content is copy-righted and protected by international laws. You are allowed one license for viewing, repeating, learning from the content. You are not given any rights to reproduce or share the content with out our explicit authorization.
You are also not allowed to share your login id / password with anyone.

Join Financial Modeling School Now
We are sorry, but registrations for first batch of Financial Modeling School are now closed. We are busy teaching Financial Modeling to 105 students in this batch. We will be re-opening registrations in February 2011.

Please leave your name and email id below, so that we can get in touch with you when the registrations open.

How the Purchase Process Works?

How the Purchase Process Works?

We hope to see you in Financial Modeling School.

About Your Teachers:

Welcome to Financial Modeling School.
My aim is to make you awesome in financial modeling. I have co-founded Pristine Education and till data taught Financial Modeling to 100s of individuals in investment banks, equity research firms etc.


At Chandoo,org, I have one goal – “to make you awesome in Excel”. I have started writing about Excel in year 2007. To date, I have authored more than 350 tutorials, articles and how-to guides and trained 650 students and made them awesome in Excel. I have received prestigious MVP award from Microsoft in years 2009 and 2010.

We hope to see you in Financial Modeling School.
How does Financial Modeling School work?

Links & Downloads

Financial Modeling School FAQs
Course Contents & Methodology [PDF]
Example Lesson – Overview of Integrated Financial Model [ZIP]
Want to pay thru Bank Transfer? Indian Pricing & Account Details