
Plan Your Weddings, Awesomely.

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We wish you a happy married life 🙂

Who is behind the wedding planner?

Wedding Planner is the product of Kevin & Chandoo. We are 2 folks who knew how much tough it is to get married these days. We both are married (not to each other 😉 ) and have ninja level excel skills.

About Kevin:
We are not kidding about this: “Kevin has worked on thousands of spreadsheets.” Kevin, shown at left, likes building Excel models / templates that can be used to increase productivity. Other than Excel, Kevin enjoys spending time with family,or playing board games.

About Chandoo:
We are not kidding about this either: “After his wife said ‘I do’, Chandoo just said F4!” Chandoo likes to write, teach and learn about Excel, visualization and design. In his free time, you can find Chandoo playing with his twin kids, running or enjoying a book.

Short Video on Wedding Planner

Excel Wedding Planner - Short Introduction - 7 minutes

Please note:

Wedding Planner works ONLY in Excel 2007 or Above

What Customers Say…,

Wedding Planner is brand new. We are yet to hear from our customers about the product. Meanwhile enjoy these fictitious reviews.

I wish I could get married again, just so I can use this.

– Liz Tailor

I am in love with the wedding planner, please don’t tell my fiancee.

– bewitched!

I just downloaded your planner, and I am liking it very much. Now I need to find someone so I can get married.

– Rass Geller

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