
Hi Dear Reader,

Welcome to Chandoo.org

I am very happy to announce that I will be conducting an Excel Workshop & Training Program at Maldives in January 2011. Please read this short page to know details about the program and how to enroll.

Excel Workshop at Maldives by Chandoo.org

Who is this Excel Workshop for?

This workshop is aimed at analysts, managers, students who use Excel all the time. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate level user of Excel, in this workshop you can benefit a lot by learning valuable tricks, concepts & features of Microsoft Excel.

What topics are covered?

I will be running 2 separate tracks in the workshop – Intermediate level Excel & Advanced Level Excel. See the below schedule to understand what topics are covered in each track.

Excel Workshop Agenda & Topics

Example Video Lesson:

Below you can see an example lesson on SUMPRODUCT formula. Watch it to learn SUMPRODUCT formula, the lesson takes 22 minutes.

Watch the lesson [22 min]:

Download the Example workbook.

When is the Excel Workshop?

The workshop will be between 22 – 26 January, 2011.

These dates are tentative. You will know the final dates upon registration.

Pricing & Registration Details for the workshop:

If you are interested in the workshop, please leave your details below. Guru Raj, a training manager from IIPD will get in touch with you and share the details on pricing and enrollment.

Alternatively, you can call Guru Raj on +960 7625338. He will be able to answer your questions.

We hope to see at the workshop.

Doubts & Questions:

Please get in touch with Mr. Guru Raj, IIPD at +960 7625338 or e-mail him at gururaj_111 @ hotmail.com for more details. Alternatively, enter your details above to have us reach you.