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Hello .. Introduce yourself

I just found your sight today. I have developed a yahtzee scoring sheet for playing online with friends and family and wanted to add animation. Hoping to learn much from all of you here...thanks in advance :)
Hi everyone, I'm Shannon and I'm delighted to have found this forum, I'm looking forward to learn a lot about excel.
Thank you all. :)
I m Naveed my specialization in excel very well I learn every time from experts someday I will be become expert in excel.
Hi All, I'm Dom and have been using Excel on and off for a while now. Most recently I have dived into it and found out how much it has improved. Looking forward to learning from you all!
Hello all. My name is Paul and I am a programming hobbyist. I enjoy coding up a Excel sheet too. I started with Basic in the 70's and have coded in a number of different languages. Have held coding jobs in 8080 machine code, APL, IDEA and C. I first learned about spreadsheets in Lotus 123. Currently I program Arduino's in C+ and Excel. Professionally I am currently a health care provider and while I will retire from that fairly soon, I expect never to retire from my coding hobby!

I reside in Orange County CA with my wife of 32 years and my girlfriend Daisy ( mini Australian shepherd ) My two adult daughters work in local hospitals, one a brave first responder in an ER. Hat tip to you and all those who showed up for work during the early unknown days of the pandemic.

Hi guys! I'm Sidharth, and I want to say that this platform looks amazing. I'm, by the way, trying to enter into the pharmaceutical businesses analytics domain which of course requires excel skills.
Hey all. I am Pankaj at HyperOffice, and an Excel power user. Hoping to learn from the peeps here!

www .hyperoffice. com
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Hi all. I my name is Akshay currently residing in Mumbai (India) wanting to develop my skills in writing formulas in excel for various conditional requirements. I was pretty excited to know that such forum exists. Looking forward to learn from the everyone around.
Hello everyone I am an looking for help with some excel coding i am not getting an error message but it is not pulling any information.
Hello Im Iris from Philippines i joined here because i found it interesting especially in excel matters. i worked in a private company and as a employee i want to expand my knowledge in excel that why i joined here to get more ideas and hopefully through this forum i can gain more knowledge in excel. thank you.
I just found your site today. I have developed a Yahtzee scoring sheet for playing online with friends and family and wanted to add animation. Hoping to learn much from all of you here...thanks in advance :)
I developed a Farkle scoresheet that my friends and I use when we play. I've been told more than once that I should do one for Yahtzee. Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing yours with me? You can have a copy of my Farkle scoresheet if you'd like.
Hi everyone,

I'm Dhwanil. I often do a lot of analysis in spreadsheets.

I ♥ how easy excel makes it to "play" with data. However, I often find creating graphs confusing & time consuming, especially when exploring data.

I'm working with a few friends to build an addon to make creating charts easy. (Hint: it's touchscreen based)
You can view our current progress at drawcharts.com . It's still very nascent, but I'd love to hear your views on it.

Looking forward to being a part of this community & share what I have learnt so far.

I'm A, and have been tinkering with VBA for about a year or so. I finally hit a wall with a project I'm trying to work on that Google searches couldn't fix, so I bit the bullet and joined after lurking for a while. I hope I can get answers specific to my issues, but I'm also looking for resources to help me fortify my knowledge base and get more comfortable with VBA in general. I'm not sure how much I can contribute, but I will endeavor to add when and where I can!

Hi all, I just joined the forum. My name is Tony, I am from Canada and been using excel for 10 years now (basic). With my new role in the company I am working more with excel in depth, and Chandoo is my teacher. I hope to learn and contribute to this great community!
Hi, I'm Arden. I was recently hired as an office assistant and I've been asked to make some excel spreadsheets for various things, but I have no training, so here I am. Hoping to learn more and get better at my job. :)
Hi all. Due to a job change, I will have to work a lot with analytics and Excel in particular, so I thought it would be cool to join your Chandoo forum. I am sure I will find here a lot of useful tips and functions.
Thanks to this resource, learned a lot and will be in touch for more help. Recently I changed my job and now my position is directly related to statistics - it's never too late to discover something new.
Hi Boys and Girls,

My name is Abbey and reside in north London of (uk) and am a senior manager for a large company, one of the reason why i have joined is to gain much knowledge on excel and share what i have learnt by googling how to put everything together. joining a forum will allow me to brainstorm and learn and give knowledge out