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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hi, I have just joined the Forum. Greetings from India. Honestly tell you, this is one of the best and the very fast forum.. I like and love all the exports...who answered my question...:DD
I am Dsouza working in import department . can a bill of entry file in pdf format be converted into excel so that I can find out the basic duty amount & GST amount for the imports of all items
Can some one help me with a formula to auto fill the bill rate for a specific role of a specific project which is a T&M
i understand that we need to put a multiple vlookup or match formula, however i am not able to achieve it as i have the data in 2 different tabs

thanks in advance !!!
Hello Everyone, i am Elbillionz from Africa. I am fascinated about excel even though i am a white belt. i find this forum very solution oriented and worthy of my membership. i hope i can also give support as i receive support. Thanks.
Hey everyone, I am Mark from Forsyth county Ga working on extracting a list from a list so I can upload it into a CMR.
I have zero training in excel and appreciate some guidance.
Hi, Laura from Switzerland. I just started a new role needing to know how to use power pivot for infographics. Found myself quite clueless most of the time hence join the forum to learn and exchange. Thank you!

My Name is Naveen and I am very excited to be part of this Candoo's Forum and it delivers the best content for who wants to bright their career towards the Data analysis and i strongly recommend this platform to all and I appreciate Mr. Chandoo for his efforts and the knowledge sharing among the people.
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I search and keep bumping into Chandoo. And, when there, find answers. I want to be one who can give answers.

BlueBenz from Colorado
Hi all,
Nice knowing you all in the same vibe. I am Kurniawan from Indonesia. Chandoo's site is very awesome. Hopefully, in this forum, we can find many excel stuff with any circumstance.

My Name is Rajesh, I am Indian, I am Computer Teacher and Teach Advance Excel Course in Excellent Computer Education, Lucknow, U.P. (India) and I am very excited to be part of this Candoo's Forum. Here I am Sharing and Leaning and Strong Own Excel Course knowledge to reply and ask excel related questions and answers. I appreciate Mr. Chandoo for his efforts and the knowledge sharing among the people.
Hello everyone,

You can call me Lori. Happy to be here, I use excel on daily basis and will definitely face some challenges. Looking forward to helping and being helped. :p
Been messing with Excel since year dot just new to this site. Still get a surprise every so often by finding something new I didn't know about it.
=if("I.don't.get.help.with.my.spreadsheet","I'll.lose.more.sleep","I'll.get.some.sleep") I'm hoping for the if false statement! :)
Hello there.
I'm a new member who can navigate my way around excel and VBA but I have been given a task to create a Resource Utilization Dashboard on POWER BI.
I'm new to PBI so I have watched many video tutorials and enrolled in a couple of PBI Bootcamp's all of which were good, but have not aided me to resolve my task.
Hoping that I can find the right assistance here but also to share my 40 odd years of excel with other members