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Hello .. Introduce yourself


I am working in a company in visakhapatnam. I enjoy creating excel reports. I learned may tips and tricks ,formulas. I have a problem in excel. I feel it can be solved here.

I want the sum in column C if the sum of column B and C is less than or equal to column A. I used the formula as =SUM(IF((C7:C9+D7:D9)<=A7:A9,D7:D9,0)). But i have to check this for the next also. Every time i need to add those columns separately to check them(=SUM(IF((C7:C9+D7:D9+E7:E9)<=A7:A9,E7:E9,0))). Can any one help me on this?
Hello to all; greeting for SC, I have been using Excel since Mid 90's, used VB6 and VBA a lot during this period, I have not taken any classes. Mostly self-taught, so not an expert by any means. I'm a previous drag racer that now enjoys my farm with horses.
Hi everyone,

Was searching for a way to improve my excel skills and make my analysis life easier. So far, only achieved mixed successes.

But i do dream about the day when my excel sheets will link seamlessly and an action in one will automatically be updated on a dashboard. Or have my dashboard linking to a sage database and automatically update my files :). I can then sit back and have a beer on a beach in Spain :).

Maybe I will learn how to achieve this here :).
Hi everyone,
This is Jubaer Ahmed Raji from Bangladesh. I am very much interested in Data Analytics. Learning Excel, Power BI & other stuffs to achieve my goal.


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