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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hello, my name is Shakira and I recently joined this Excel community. Greetings from Florida. I am a new Strategic Business Planner and I am interested in pivot tables, general Excel usage, Project Mnaagement, Sharepoint and Excel and immediately needed is Business Intelligence templates such as ROI!!! Thanks for this tool, it seems to be excellent! Will be signing up for some classe soon.
Hi, my name is Justin and I live in Phoenix, AZ. I am a civil engineer and primarily work on storm water/drainage related projects. I write a lot of reports, process a lot of models, and inevitably end up using Excel quite a bit to process data from models and prepare tables for my clients to review and understand. This year I am trying to learn to use Macros more often to make my typical project tasks run more efficiently. Learning VBA from scratch is a bit intimidating, but I'm scraping away at it a little at a time. I've been referring to the Chandoo website for the past couple of years for help on formulas and I thought I would sign up for the forum so that I could share a new question that I have. Look forward to learning from all of you.
Greetings from sunny FLA!

I use excel in my everyday work life, but find that I am stuck in a rut using the same old tired formulas. I am challenging myself to take it to the next level and optimize/enhance my spreadsheet with some new excel tricks! I was finding so many interesting tidbits on this site that I just had to join. Looking forward to working with everyone.
Hi, my name is Andrei and i am from Romania. I first discoverd this site trying to understand the OFFSET function and the tutorial from here is awesome: http://chandoo.org/wp/2012/09/17/offset-formula-explained/ . I must say that i read also on other sites but i didn't understand how it works until i found this :)

I use Excel a lot especially at work.. I work as a financial analyst. But i use it also as a hobby and i am trying to improve my knowledge as much as possible :)
Hi, this is Elif.
I would like to develop my excel skills especially in financial modelling by using VBA mostly. I'm happy to be here and have lots of question
Hi All,

I'm Animesh from India and have been using Excel for quite some time. I love following the various blogs learning new ways of using excel as well as helping others become "awesome in Excel".

Looking forward to learn and contribute on this forum.
hello, im new here and also new in using VBA macro
i need to learn VBA for my project
i hope this page can help me in improving my VBA..
nice to meet all
Hello Everyone! I just joined the forums and my name is Luiz Simoes. I am from Brazil and I am currently in my 2nd year of College for Programming and Systems Analysis. Hope to learn a lot here :)
Hi everyone. I'm new here.. Excel looks interesting to me and I also would like to develop my excel skills especially in heuristic approaches by using VBA. Hope i will learn something new here. All the guidance is greatly appreciated. :)
Hi, I'm new here. Been an Excel junkie for more than a decade now and have found the tips here quite valuable over this time.
Hello, everyone! My name is Phyllis and I'm from Georgia, USA. I'm an admin assistant at a college, and although I don't use Excel as much now as I have in the past, I want to continue to develop my skills. Whenever I have an issue, I always come to this site. I finally decided to join the forum...so much great information here.
Hey Everyone!

My name is Adam and I'm from Dallas, TX. I currently work at a hospital in the Data Governance team supporting an EPIC EMR system. I've been using Chandoo for quite some time and finally decided to take the jump to visit the forums and further my knowledge in Excel.
I am Dharmender from Bangalore. I am Happy to here in Chandoo.org . i am very impressed with his ideas, the share the excel knowledge is really awesome ....
Hi, I am Deepak Singh and am from Mumbai. I have been visiting this forum and Chandoo's blog for the last 1 year and more and it has been a really good learning experience. Looking forward to continuing the learning and knowledge sharing.
Hi, Greetings from rainy england. I have just joined this forum and look forward to learning load of new excel tricks. So far everything from this site has been really amazing! :)
Hi All,
This is Uday Kant.
I am working as MI Analyst in MNC.

I like to work on EXCEL.........

Uday Kant
Hello everybody
already active on 5 or 6 other forums, I thought I'd take a look around.
I hope I'll be able to learn new things and help .
Hello to all.

I am a finance person and have been using Excel for over 11 years. I am in Southern California. There are always new tricks to be learned and better ways to do things more efficiently. I am looking forward to learning from you all and implementing ideas into best practices here at my company.

All the best!
Hello. Mozsticks here. im from the USA and have been getting handed more and more complex excel requests where I work lately, and figured if I make excel my expertise, I can easily boost my job performance and efficiency. so far I have found this place incredible, but still have specific questions to ask. so heres to learning
Hi All,

My Name is Mallesh Yadav, people used to call me MY , i like the people who call me MY, i am from India, AP , i want enter into Bussiness Intelligence World because of that i here , i thanks to all guys especially chandu created Awesome plantform for who wants become experts in excel.

Hello Everyone.. My name is Mahesh Gupta. I'm from FIS global, India and part of CoE team. My KRA is to automate the reports, analysis and design dynamic dashboards. I'm a big fan of chandoo's dashboard and technics.

Great work Chandoo!!