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Hello .. Introduce yourself


I am Cruz, from Angola. I am joining the forum because I do use alot of excel and I love it! I have no formal training but I started loving excel when I found what I could do with IF formulas...

Needless to say that many of the discussed topics here helped in getting some new stuff done than I would never dreamed of.

Greetings from South Africa

I have just joined this forum but have been using this site for over a year now.

It has been a great source of knowledge n inspiration when creating dashboards etc

Looking forward to learning much more

Hi All,

Good day,

I am Sunil Kumar Duggirala from Chennai, India; working in Maersk Global Solutions as Project Specialist. I do excel macro programs frequently. I hope, this site will help me in developing my excel skills to the best. Thank you all.

Hi everybody, am glad to be a member of this awesome forum. My Name is Tallbert, from Zimbabwe. Chandoo has opened my eyes, what i thought i knew is just but a tip of an ice-bag. This is one of the sites that has changed my work experience and my appreciation of excel. i find it more than helpful. i have joined this forum so i can discuss some of the challenges i meet at work and maybe with time i will also be a genius like some if not all of you guys. Thanks for the welcome into the forum.
Hi All,
I'm Denesh from Malaysia. Been following Chandoo's site for couple of years and finally joined the forum. Hope to gain & share more with all.
Hi all! I just joined the forum.There's some great people here and I'm really looking forward to learn more about VBA
Hi all!My name is Claudio Merlini, I come from Italy and I'm an Excel Enthusiastic!I've learnt a lot from this site and I hope to contribute as well!I'm a maniac for short/speed menu!
Hello, I live in Coralville, Iowa in the United States and have been getting the postings via email from Chandoo for a while now. This is my first time in the forum. I am a basic Excel user and would like to learn more.
Hi all, Dom here. I've come across this forum a few times and always been impressed with what I've found. It's certainly improved my Excel skills and I'm always looking for new ways to solve Excel problems.
Hi, I have just joined the Forum. I would like to learn a lot in Excel. Hope this is the right place and the people here are just awesome!
Hey My name is Darrell. currently working for a company as a reporting staff. this forum is so cool. i've been reading cool stuffs here for a couple of months and i can say i owe my career here. the first dashboard i created for our company made my bosses jaws drop. and lot of opportunities came in my life.and i guess i think its time for me to help others too.
Hi there! My name's Ariella and I stumbled across this forum on my quest for excel help. I have virtually no experience in VBA, but what I've picked up through monkeying around has been really useful and convenient. Hoping to learn more!
Hello. I'm Mr. Don from Mississippi. Retired almost 20 years ago and still working. I return to Excel from time to time for fun and to help out others who need it. This site will be most helpful as I renew my interests with formula. Thanks to all for your generous support when answering my questions.
Hi , my name is Constantine and i'm from Romania .
I work at a television doing all kinds of staff (directing , creating , etc)
Best regards and respect to you all hard working helpers !
I'm Win. I am an international public health professional. I build tools in Excel that help program managers in developing countries to plan, cost, and finance public health programs. These tools are used to plan immunization, screening, and secondary prevention programs. Each tool I develop has to be easy to understand, simple to use, and quick to demonstrate its value to an overworked manager with an intermediate level understanding of Excel. I am here to get and give help from fellow Excel users.
Hi, i am srinivas and work as an IT professional. My day to day job involves working with excel and prepare reports and dashboards, though i am quite new to this stuff. It interests me a lot.
Hello everybody, i'm congthanh from malaysia, i know our community by my friend, so glad to join and see you all in discussion.
Bula! I'm Mika from the Fiji Islands. I am a basic excel user and I am keen on improving my skills and knowledge on this powerful app. I joined Chandoo several months back and have been picking up a few basic excel tricks and I gotta say it's pretty amazing! My current role requires alot of time with xl and I'm hoping to get some of the unanswered questions answered in this forum :)
Hi all,
I am Wilco() and just really started using excel. I got inspired by my collegue who is busy to solve Sudoku puzzles with Excel.
I am learning a great deal on this site, to level-up my excel skills. Which have been improved over 2 weeks.
I am want to learn how to build a dashboard with more ease.
i am financial analyst in my day today life i have play with excel files, hey chandoo i have learned lot of excel from your posts and i heartly thankful to you. you have done a great job for youngesters. who dont know the excel power.
I want to be excel in excel like you.

I am Pooja, I am from India. I have been following Chandoo.org just few months back and it helped me immensely. I majorly work on excels and it seems endless world in excel. So to dive more and learn from the experts I have joined this forum. I am glad to be here.
