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Hello .. Introduce yourself

I'm new to the site, but amazed at the brain power and willingness to help! Awesome stuff. My name is Cameron and I'm from the US. I found this site due to a formula issue I am having, but I am looking to repay the solution to my problem by helping others fix their issues in any way I can :) great stuff!
I'm Rinkster. I live in south Florida. From time to time I need an Excel formula that I'm not able to create by myself.
Hi friends, I am regular visitor of this forum, and finally thought to become a member. So here i am, with all of you to learn and master excel.
I am Tushar Vora and I live in Mumbai. I work in a company called E-nxt as a Quality Manager. I would like to participate in this forum to learn more about excel and vba. My role is in process excellence and Six Sigma and Lean. My role requires me to play around with data. Does this organization also teach minitab and statistical testing.(Hypothesis testing)
Hello I am Itaosy
I finally decided to join and learn VBA excel as I am totally novice. I have done programming in the past but that was long time ago.
Hi, I'm from Malaysia and work as planner, so I have to learn excel since a lot of data manipulation required.
I wish my new friends here can help and share knowledge.
I love this site!!!

I am Ashok. I got address of Chandoo.org before 2 years & got too much help from their formulas & other suggestions. I work as a MIS person & always seeking new formats, formula & way of automation the reporting.
Thanks Mr Chandoo & his Team
With Happy new year 2014.
Ashok Kumar
Hello Everyone! My name is James from Lynchburg VA and I work in the Insurance Industry. I love working in excel and always looking for ways to improve. I review and present large amounts of data weekly and this forum has save my bacon on more than a few occasions! This is a great site and looking foward to learning new things.
Hello all,

Samir here. I love this site. This site has improved my level and I hope to become a good practitioner of excel
My name is Ken from the Houston, Texas area. I have been here casually a few times, but only recently joined.

I look forward to learning from and sharing with others here.
Hi Guys
I am new here, so Hi from the Frozen Canada, just looking for some answers in Excel VBA, which is driving me crazy actually! I don't get the concept of programming! thinking about it I don't remember how I managed in school?!
Anyway it is nice meeting you all!
Hello, all, I came in search of knowledge! Hopefully over time I will be able to give as good as I get. I have been a casual user of Excel for eons for my own small businesses, and people who know nothing about it occasionally think I know something. But any serious work has in the past been done for me by a partner or accountant who really knows Excel. Now I am actually starting to seriously learn about how to use Excel (we have a 2011 Mac version and and a 2013 Windows version here).
Hiya, I run a small advisory firm in the UK, which I set up a couple of years ago. Setting up myself has meant learning a lot more, and realising how much I relied on other people in the past to help me with excel. At first I thought it was a necessary evil, but now I'm really enjoying it.

I've watched Chandoo for a while now and learned masses from all of you.
I wish I could give more back in terms of excel knowledge, but I'm still a learner driver in comparison. If I can give back in anyway with business advice (which sometimes drives what you are ultimately trying to achieve from a database) I am happy to contribute.
I am looking to get trained on Advanced Excel,VBA, reporting,Dashboard etc through online please advice regarding this.

Uh oh, here I am at the Excel Guru's site with nothing to offer! I've been using Excel but so basically that I never really got off the ground. I live in Melbourne, Australia and work in Health & Community Care creating interactive gardening plans & community workshops. My goal is to use Excel for both recording data, reporting & analysis. Thank you all for sharing
Hi all,

My name is Kenneth, and I'm from the south coast of Norway. I have reading on Chandoo for a while and finally dared to jump on the forum to start interact with all of you good people.

I have learned a lot form reading the articles on the site, and it have been great fun so fare.

In my day to day work I lead a Document Control Centre in a company delivering different kind of lifeboats, rescue boats and davits. In 2013 we set a new world record for freefall lifeboats with 66.8 meter. Before I took over the leadership of our DCC I worked a few years as Area Sales Manager, traveling the world, and a few year a project lead in the same company.

In every position Excel has been a very important tool keep record, planning, analysing and so forth. And I have even been playing around with VBA to accomplish some of the tasks I need to achieve with Excel.

Even so I look at myself as a newbie in the Excel world. Just starting to play around with and make dashboards with Excel, as our management desire more and more easy to get information in a visual way.

Looking forward to learn tons of new stuff and help where I’m able to assist.

In the meantime Thank you all for all the help and sharing of knowledge.
Hello from Barrie, Ontario Canada where we are enjoying another warm day of 1° C - not kidding after the last several days of -30° this is a nice break and I can wear my shorts !

Long time user of Excel but only the very basics were needed. Now using it predominatly for sales analysis. Recently scooped John Walkenbach's Excel Bible and following Mr. Chandoo here, thx for the tips & support! Tom
Hello to All -

New to this forum. It appears to be very interesting and as a user it appears that you can learn quite a lot. Wanting to hone my skillset on advanced Excel techniques.
Hi, Svet here, and G'day from the Land Down Under. I am a Structural Designer/Drafty and use Excel on a regular basis I'm exited to have finally registered and to be part of a great group of people. I too, (like member "GrassFarmer") am a sponge on almost anything Excel, except those items that are WAY over my head. I'd like to think of myself as an intermediate user. I can navigate fairly well through a spreadsheet, and always willing to learn more...more..more.

Hopefully I'll learn enough from this great site and return the favour and help others.

Sorry SirJB7, for not introducing myself here first, my bad :oops:, as a new member I was not sure where to do it. ;)
G'day Bryz also from Australia. The forum's been a great help with excel and hope to learn as much as I can from everyone here