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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hello, I have been following Chandoo for over a year enjoying much helpful information. I have just joined the forum though.
Hi, my name is Jon and I have the dubious honour of being the go-to guy for all things Excel in my office. Fortunately Chandoo is then my go-to site for anything that gives me a headache to work out on my own!
Hello - I like to learn new things about excel and want to be able to better communicate how to utilize the program to my coworkers. So far this site has been very helpful!

Hi, I'm from perth australia. Have just joined the forum after my friend referred it to me. i use excel everyday in the office and would love to learn more. I really appreciate this site
Hi, I live in Edinburgh and originally from Portugal, I hope the forum will help me in further development within excel and VBA, thanks in advance to all.
Hello to everybody,

I'm Jordi and I love Excel!!! but sometimes I block myself and I need your help to sove it.

Hi Guys,

This is Abdul Matheen from India, recentaly i came to know about this site and i am exited looking at all the excel related forum.

Hello All,

Tom here. Have been using Excel throughout my eight years of career so far and love learning new ways to use it. Looking forward to picking up new skills on this great site and forum.

Greetings from Italy. Love to play with excel, was once an VBA aficionado. Now slowly migrating to the cloud, leave the hard core stuff on the desktop.
Hi I'm a novice at excel, and I've come here with some help on calcuating moving averages. I have found one link to be very helpful so far on this site, but I'm wondering if even more is possible. I will ask and findout. Thank you!
Hi all!

I have just joined the Forum. I think this is a great site for help with Excel and VBA Macros. I'm fairly new to VBA coding and I'm hoping this forum will be helpful and supportive through my learning process.
Hello to All,

My name is Christopher and I use Excel for as much as I can. Primarily, I love to use Excel for small projects at work with the USAF. Since it is so wonderful for organization I am happy to be here to share what I know, as well as learn what I can from the Gurus here. I plan on taking part in the Classes that are offered. Cheers!
Hi All ...

Myself Jasajit. I am from India and I just have joined the Forum. I am very new in excel. That is why I got this site incredibly helpful, and hopefully supportive through this forum.

Thanks in Advance to All once again.
Hi friends my name is Tanveer Shah. i am new here i recently join this great community this is great forum to get information i read out all the threads on this forum and get pretty knowledge and also shared my knowledge in this forum....
Hi I'm Lori, I work as a tactical developer and owe much to the online community for solutions that i've picked up and adapted over the years. No matter what your level of experience there's always lots more to learn and discover!
Hi,I have just entered in the forum.This is why I find this site incredibly helpful, and hopefully supportive through this forum.My aim is to be expert in VBA codes in excel programming through this forum.

I have just joined the Forum.While I tend to help out people at my workplace using excel,I have seen people use excel to perform magic and the I realise I know little about excel. I want to learn as much as I can from this forum,teach people and also recommend chandoo for people looking to learn excel
Hi All, I'm Maxence. I live in Belgium and I mostly use Excel for analyzing and graphing data in my job. I found this website on google and it became my reference when there is something I cannot do! It's very exciting to connect to Excel users all around the world. Thank you all for your effort and support ! Cheers - Max
Hi All, I'm a french IT project manager in an international transport company. Of course I use Excel a lot, and I would say more and more.
I follow the blog chandoo since several months because it is the better Excel source I have ever found. Really helpful !
I hope to learn more by following the forum, and perhaps share some of my (little) knowledge.
Hi All,

I'm Kuya Eggs from Philippines. A simple data encoder in a Logistics company. I'm very much thankful this forum
that help me a big improvement in creating excel templates for my co-employee. It's a great help for my department.
Looking forward for some tricks and formulas that expands my excel abilities. Thank you.. thank you.. thank you..
Hello all,
My name is Adrian, but most call me Pilipko. I live in Florida, USA. I work in economic modeling and predictive analytics. I have been using Chandoo.org for a about 1 year.
Hello all,
I'm Nik from Iran.I have been using Excel since 12 years ago, and I would learn more and more.
I follow the blog chandoo since a year ago because it is the better Excel source I have ever found. Really helpful !
I hope to learn more by following the forum.
Hello all, I'm Jeremiah, and live in the USA in the State of Michigan. I'm a retired Electrical Engineer. I became acquainted with Excel many years ago at my last employer. We all used Excel to generate various reports and create graphs of our data.

I became acquainted with Chandoo.org (PHD) several years ago. I bought Excel 2010 software and took Chandoo's on-line Excel class. I've become a bit rusty in terms of creating Excel Spreadsheets.

Although I rarely have to create Excel projects, I do use it regularly at my Church to do various projects there. Most recently, I updated our Offerings Management Project by using Excel to track weekly offerings.

I think PHD is a vital adjunct to learning and using Excel and hope to continue my association for many years to come.