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Hello .. Introduce yourself

=Hi all

=I have started using excel just before 2 years and i learned a lot myself while situations arised in my work. I found this site two days a back only I felt like did I have lived out of earth this much days.

=I'm in beginner stage but i want to become awesome in excel and thats why my fate reached here I think.

I work for a telecom company as a consultant and while I don't use Excel frequentlyy, I have had the opportunity to become familiar with the basics. Although what I consider the basics seems to be "super advanced" for most people I meet.

I come across some tricky problems where I know how they should be solved, I just don't know how to use the tools properly to do so.

I have a degree in writing and I'm currently pursuing my MBA in management.

Hi I'm Ann and am using your Project Profile Dashboard to manage a ton of Marketing Communications projects. Thanks so much for all the tips, this has been a huge resource! Looking forward to working with you!
Hi I´m Daniel from Argentina and I love this site!!! it´s a great tool for me to create new reports and make awesome graphs!!! so thank you for such a great creation!!!
Michael from the States.

Looking for info on the Hyperlink formula. I have a workbook with sheets with very brief names (A,B,C,D,etc.) and a summary page. On the summary page, each sheet is represented. its sheet name in in Column A in a "thisrow". I can easily link to the summary sheet from every other sheet, but I'd also like to link back to the detail sheet from the summary sheet using =hyperlink( ). If you can point me at a reference that explains the Hyperlink formula in some of it's detail, I'll be grateful.
hi i'm sue ... i got one problem.. i want to paste data to excel which is the digits are 17 digits. and when i paste into excel .. all the number in cell become the same number with the zero. suppose there is different number .. i try google .. and some of them give the answer to paste in text first and the copy and paste into excel . i already try this but still cannot work out. Need your help guys..

hi i'm Sue... from Malaysia... i'm a newbie in chandoo .. when my current job need to do a lot of report.. related with the data.. I become more interested with Excel .. and newly become more curious to VBA..
Hi, I'm Ed from Newcastle... and I'm also a newbie at Chandoo. I enjoy working with Excel and am always striving to find new ways to improve performance and productivity!
Hi all,

Names Jack, an amateur when it comes to advanced parts of Excel but use it allot for work so thought it would be a good idea to link up with a few helpful sites to progress my knowledge base.

Hello! I am fairly new to this website/forum, but it's already been very helpful. A co-worker sent me a link and said this was the best resource he has found for Excel stuff. I have to agree! I am known as the excel guy on my team, but after looking around on here, I still have plenty to learn!
Hi All,

My name is Gaurav from capital of India, i.e. Delhi. Fairly telling I am a intermediate in excel and learner in VBA. Came to know this website through cotexture and learning alot from the begining of chandoo's iim admission to recents post.

I have given basis training on basic excel to coworkers and all are fan of me. And all credit goes to chandoo.com.
Hi Everyone,

My name is TroiW. I've always enjoyed the information on Chandoo.org

The excel tips and tricks that I have learned here have made me much more productive.

Many thanks to you Chandoo!

Looking forward to learning more.


My name is Nuno Teixeira and I am a engineering student (civil/structural) in Portugal.

I found this website by reading John Walkenbach's book-Power Programming with VBA.

I think this website is great! Looking forward to learn new stuff! :)
Hi All

My name is Marcus (Smallman) to my mates. I live in sunny Brisbane, only not so sunny over the past few years. I lived in the UK for about a decade working at the Big 4 for a few years, then in Banking for the last 6 years, before returning to Oz. Large organisations tend to deal with ‘Big Data’ and being a lazy sole I would ask the small systems to do the work for me. I would run my programs over night and sample the excellent barista action of the Square Mile during the day. I continued this ‘work’ when I got back to Oz and I enjoy living and working in Brisbane.

A couple of years ago I decided to start giving some of my knowledge back to communities just like these and I found something that I had only ever known in theory. In giving you receive! It sounds like a cliché but by posing on forums like this one you benefit in many ways. Firstly you are helping out other individuals (Winning), not just the person asking the question but the dozens of people standing behind them looking for the same or similar solutions in future. Secondly you get to see how other folks approach problems from different angles. Quite often I think ‘that can’t be done’ and there is someone chiming in proving me oh so wrong!!! Thirdly if you read thousands of posts, after a while even a thick skull like mine will start to absorb some of it. Which leads to my last point, by participating in forums like this you stay fresh!!! So it is all good!

I mostly post on another forum which is very strong on VBA side of XL. As a result I probably lean a bit towards the visual basic come automation questions. I mostly enjoy taking a lot a code and returning a little code which does the same thing. VB is a very enjoyable language as most people who have used XL a while can follow the logic.

I like what Chandoo has become. I have followed the website from a distance for a long time now but only in the last week or so realised there is a forum. It seems to me that there is a strong community of learning and I think the challenges which occur will really bring people along together. I really like it and the site (or people involved) should be commended for this initiative.

I am into photography and I am getting very exciting about a photography trip to HK shortly. I would like to follow this up with a trip to NZ in the Summer which looks stunning for mine. I also just came off a hectic three weeks where I fell asleep on my couch (every night) watching in order, Wimbledon, The Tour de France, The Ashes, The British Open and there was a couple of AFL games where I am sure I drifted off during a Sunday afternoon.

Life Is Good.

My name is Tina and I do some excel edits/coding at work. Though, I am NOT an excel expert at all. Chandoo had been really helpful recently. I'm glad I joined chandoo and will be seeking help from chandoo from now on, so be prepared to help!! I really appreciate everyone's help.

Thank you!
Hai Chandoo!

My Name is Palanivel. I live in Tamil Nadu, India. I'm Working as an Assistant Planning Engineer (Civil) in one of the construction company (Andhra Based Company). Came to know Chandoo.org website when i search about excel doubts in Google. After looking around on here, I still have plenty to learn. I learning a lot from the beginning of chandoo.org, but now only i introduce myself by this post. I have always enjoyed the information on Chandoo.org with a simple language. I have seen alot of website but when compare to other website the way of explanation and design of Chandoo.org website is very simple and easy to learn and looking good. The excel tips and tricks that I have learned here have made me much more output and Good name among my co-workers and with my boss. My all credit goes to chandoo.org.

Thank you!

After about 1,5 year of lurking and finally having a question to ask, I was a bit sad to see I couldn't signup (because of the new forum project). But now I can! Wohooo! New forum!
I'm from dutchland (or from The Netherlands if you want to be picky) and had always an interest in little projects with Excel in my spare time. I was fairly high advanced in the use of Excel-magic in comparison to others around me, but it does not come close to the skills of others I've seen on this forum/website! I love the way how complete projects are explained and trying to understand the Excel Challenges. It got me to a hole new level of Excellness and a job :D! Thanks to all of you!

I'm Ravi from NJ USA. I analyze data for my company with the use of Excel and SQL Server. Love this website and the forum now looks great! I stumbled upon the greatest Excel blog when I had to create a pivot table and needed a good place to start, in turn I have used this blog as a reference for most of my Excel work!

Thanks all...
Hi everyone!

Actually I could say almost exactly the same than Xiq (2 posts above) apart that I am from Belgium, and not Netherlands :p.

I learned really a lot about excel in the past year thanks to Chandoo and I am very thankful for that. Hopefully now I can help some others too...
Hi All,

I am one of the few Calfornia natives that still live in the state. I have used Excel (including VBA) extensively for a very long time. I call myself an Excel geek and I really do love this software. In fact, like probably many of you, I will spreadsheet almost anything. I found Chandoo a few years ago and have decided to explore this site a bit deeper. Even a middle aged dog should learn new tricks. It appears to be a wonderful resource so my thanks to all who make it so!

Joyce (the local Excel geek)
Hey hiiii,

All you doing good...

This is Abhinav from New Delhi India...currently working in CCP ( Central Capacity Planing ) Department...

Well I am looking forward to learn advance excel functions, logic , techniques etc.

Also I like to add that am new in vba programming..so I am excited to work on that as well.
HI All,

I need Help!!!!!!!!

Actually i want to prepare the one update tracker in excel
can any one help to create update tracker, as soon we got update i need to update in tracker with the date,snapshot and email address.

IF any one knows please help to on this.


Can you please post this question in the "Ask an Excel Question" Forum

In this forum it will never been seen or answered


HI All,

I need Help!!!!!!!!

Actually i want to prepare the one update tracker in excel
can any one help to create update tracker, as soon we got update i need to update in tracker with the date,snapshot and email address.

IF any one knows please help to on this.
