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Search results

  1. M

    Page Break & hidden rows

    thank you for checking this. I did make use of manual breaks. I'll start scripting my back-up plan i guess :)
  2. M

    Page Break & hidden rows

    Thanks, that was my back-up plan really, was hoping it would be a simple matter of flicking an option to true or false before saving :)
  3. M

    Page Break & hidden rows

    Hi, I'm currently preparing some code that generates 200 reports automatically. There's just one problem i can't solve. I've got my "master" template all set up with page breaks, and at the end of the line it's saved to PDF (Yuck, PDF. don't shoot me, it's how they want it :) ). The problem...
  4. M

    Best chart for time comparison with irregular intervals

    Hi, I've decided to switch out my pencil&paper tracking of my power consumption at home to a digital version. This is a personal project so no pressure, but still, I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t try to push my Excel software to the max :) I have some idea’s with time filters, comparisons...
  5. M

    Userform Worksheet control

    that pretty much looks like EXACTLY what I need :) I'll need to experiment in my batcave tonight ;-) Thanks!
  6. M

    Userform Worksheet control

    Hi, I'm trying to add a portion of a worksheet to a userform with the hopes of manipulating it (pleast note, this will be used in powerpoint etc as well, so I cannot rely on excel solely, hence the reason why I need a worksheetlike table on a userform). I have googled plenty and saw that...
  7. M

    Bar chart rounded corners? [SOLVED]

    thanks for the heads up Hui, I'll keep an eye out for the little buggers :) Might be a "semi" fix to keep the bar in the same color as the error bar so there's always something ... and the color is off course pink ;-)
  8. M

    Bar chart rounded corners? [SOLVED]

    Many thanks for the replies, especially for the lovely pink charts, i guess i should have mentionned this was a google picture search result and i didn't need them pink ;-) but last night it hit me like a brick what I did wrong with the error bars. they offer the best result as they'll fit on...
  9. M

    Bar chart rounded corners? [SOLVED]

    Hi, Can anyone help me to figure out how to make bar charts (so bar's going up vertically) with rounded tips? example here : http://blog.visual.ly/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rounded-bars.png?547b7b Am using office 2010. I tried different methods (error bars, secondary chart with dots, ...)...
  10. M

    Partial Vlookup formula

    Sorry for the late reply. I tried the 3 approaches, but I think I'm doing something wrong, It's not working for me :( please note, I'm using ; in my formula's rather than , .... :) You guys mind on taking a look again? :) here's an example file, since I'm sure that'll be much more efficient...
  11. M

    Partial Vlookup formula

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to do a vlookup for a partial of the text. example lookupdata: COL A |ColB Store 1 |Belgium Store 2 |UK Store 3 |Netherlands so then i'd like to place a vlookup in the data below to find the store location (col B) COL A |ColB XXXXX Store 1...
  12. M

    Need help with Thermo-meter chart

    How about making a helper column for this? I can experiment on it at the moment but basicly: you get 2 actual bars (both copies of each other) with the copy linked through formula's. cap this one off at the target value (so if there actual value goes above target value, in the copy the actual...
  13. M

    What are your most used VBA enhancements

    Just curious, and hoping to draw more inspiration to add to my existing add-in: What are your most used / handy / ... VBA functions, userforms, macro's, ... ? example: My most handy piece of code is my personal Add-in. It has many features I use daily, one of which is a selection rotator...
  14. M

    Congratulations Bobhc - 1,000 Posts

    Ohnoes, I missed it by 12 ..... :) Congrads!
  15. M

    Speed up VBA

    Hi, I was using worksheetfunctions, but someone told me that array works the fastest of all, hence my swap to arrays :) The code itself spans over 3 modules with different subs ... i've broken it down in parts you see :) - module 1: setup --> reads all data, checks for errors, etc etc...
  16. M

    Speed up VBA

    Hi Guys, I'm working on a VBA code to generate reports. It works great, but it's slow... I've read the "speeding up" part of this page (and many more) but still, it's slow... My main obstacle for speed seems to be the lookups over different sheets (the report uses 3 sheets, that are filled...
  17. M

    Creative with excel

    Hi Y’all, I’m a fresh father (5 months and counting YAAAY) so logically, my first thought is: How do I get my child started with excel asap! So I figured I’d write a cool VBA script that makes stuff happen :-) Here’s the contest (no prizes other than the warm fuzzy feeling for bringing...
  18. M

    Bubble Charts on top of a map

    Hi, Be sure to check this one as well if you want to use a Google API for longitude and latitude coordinates. I use this as well to find coordinates and use a bubble chart to plot those on my map as other users suggested above! Bram
  19. M

    Formula that checks for duplicates, and then indicates first occurrence

    No problem mate. i'm sure there's faster ways but if it works ... :)
  20. M

    Formula that checks for duplicates, and then indicates first occurrence

    If i'm reading your post right, a countifs is the way to go. similar to this (the columns wont be right, i'm a bit confused as to what is where in your file :) ) =COUNTIFS($B$1:B2;B2;$C$1:C2;C2) so it counts the combo of column B and C in this manner, the nesting in the IF formula should...
  21. M

    Formula that checks for duplicates, and then indicates first occurrence

    i typically use the coutif formula for this: in cell A2 write: =COUNTIF($B$1:B2;B2) so as you pull that formula down, the count range top most border will stay at B1, but the bottom range will move along with the drag down. Meaning, the first occurence will be 1, the 2nd 2, etc etc. if you...
  22. M

    UDF - Vlookup using find

    Hi, I've just created a vlookup UDF using the excel find function. I wanted to find a way the use vlookup to find columns BEFORE the column where the data is in (Vlookup only works to columns behind the data column). I allready had a UDF for this, but it was extremely slow and volitile. This...
  23. M

    Protect sheet and Share workbook

    I might be reading it wrong, but can't you spread it over different files? Files for input, whose output is saved per entry in à txt file or something in à central location, and à "master" file that reads those files (and deletes the imported ones)?
  24. M

    Distance Between 2 Zip Codes (USA and CANADA)

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks, just a quick sidenote: I'm not US based either but Belgian based. the longitude/latitude script works worldwide so you can, if you like, apply the same script worldwide :) and on another sidenote: i've got it fully functional so i'm a happy puppy right now :) grtz
  25. M

    Small Help - VBA Script

    Teamwork ... yaaaaay :) no prob mate