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Small Help - VBA Script

Raja Kamarthi

New Member
Need small help in getting a desired format through VBA script:

My code takes a value from a cell which is in date format and it gives the output in "1/8/2013" format.Below is the code:

"Your reporting day would be on" & "" & "" & Sheet1.Range("G" & (Cntr)).Value and the output for this is "Your reporting day would be on 1/8/2013"

Now I need the output in "8th January 2013" format.

Please share your thoughts.



I believe your best bet is to experiment with the format command.

"Your reporting day would be on" & "" & "" & Format(Sheet1.Range("G" & (Cntr)).Value , "dd-mmm-yyyy")

please note "dd-mmm-yyyy" will not output your desired format, but i assume if you mess around with this you might find what you're looking for.
Doesn't use the st, nd, rd, and th abbreviations after the numbers, but this gets pretty close:

myMsg = "Your reporting day would be on " & Format(Sheet1.Range("G" & (Cntr)).Value, "d mmmm yyyy")

You gave a shot which was pretty close, thanks for that


Many thanks, you got that absolutely perfect

Hi Raja,

Just a little.. addition in Luke's Formula.. by adding st, nd, rd, and th abbreviations

'cntr = 2
myMsg = "Your reporting day would be on " & Format(Sheet1.Range("G" & (cntr)).Value, "d") & _
Mid("thstndrdth", WorksheetFunction.Min(9, 2 * Right(Format(Sheet1.Range("G" & (cntr)).Value, "d"), 1) * _
IIf((Format(Sheet1.Range("G" & (cntr)).Value, "d") Mod 100) - 11 > 2, 1, 0) + 1), 2) _
& " " & Format(Sheet1.Range("G" & (cntr)).Value, "mmmm yyyy")

PS: @myself: Is it really little!!! I don't think so.. :(


Hi, Raja Kamarthi!

You can also try this code:


Dim sDate As String
sDate = Format(Range("G" & (Cntr)).Value, "dd mmmm yyyy")
MsgBox "Your reporting day would be on " & _
Left$(sDate, InStr(sDate, " ") - 1) & _
Mid$("th st nd rd st nd rd st ", _
InStr("0001_02_03_21_22_23_31_", Left$(sDate, 2) & "_") + 1, _
3) & _
Right$(sDate, Len(sDate) - InStr(sDate, " "))

Just advise if any issue.

for more reading on using ordinal numbers, I'd recommend here:

@Luke M


Read, but personally I still stick to my formula. I like it, don't you? Say yes, otherwise tonight I wouldn't be able to get to sleep :(
