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Congratulations Bobhc - 1,000 Posts

Ha ha

Another one just escaped from your wallet

It's been great to have you aboard
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Good morning for you, my friend.

Congratulations for you first K-post, now go for the second... And it's been a pleasure reading you.

Good day SirJB7

If it was not for forum members such as yourself (and others) then i would not have gotten this far, even on shanks pony.
Congrats Bobhc!!!

No words to express our gratitude to you for the enriching experience we had gained through your posts


1000+ posts and still waiting for something useful to come from one of them!!


Deb nice one, MrBramme Raja shrivallabha Luke M thank all for your kind words. Jason, now come on…there must have been something, even if it is only one that was useful in my posts, I mean come on 1000 post's must have given something, even if it was just a smile. :)
ahh... true true. If not a smile, it definitly got that song stuck in my head... which doesnt create a smile of any sort!! hahaha
Congratulations BOB for your 1000nd posts

Congratulations on your achievements. You have made us all proud. Great job, keep it up.







Better late then never.....Congo Bob

....Don't know when I would reach the milestone....will I!!!