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Partial Vlookup formula



I'm looking for a way to do a vlookup for a partial of the text.

example lookupdata:

COL A    |ColB
Store 1  |Belgium
Store 2  |UK
Store 3  |Netherlands
so then i'd like to place a vlookup in the data below to find the store location (col B)

COL A                 |ColB
XXXXX Store 1 XXXXXX  |Belgium
XX Store 1 XXXXX      |Belgium
XXXXXXXXX Store 3 XXX |Netherlands
So there's a portion of text before and after the words "Store 1".

I have a rather complex user formula using match() and find() and some more goodies, but it's slow ... :)
Assuming lookup table is in A1:B10, and new list starts in A11, array formula is:


Remember to confirm using Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter.

If we were going the other way, we could use VLOOKUP with wildcards, but since we have to find a specific value within the cell, it's a little trickier.
Or you could use:


Where C27 is the cell containing the Store you want to lookup, and B22:C24 is the table with Col A & B / Store & Location.
Hi, MrBramme!

Or following oldchippy's minimalistic spirit you might change Absolution's formula to:


That's about 13 character less.

Sorry for the late reply. I tried the 3 approaches, but I think I'm doing something wrong, It's not working for me :(

please note, I'm using ; in my formula's rather than , .... :)

You guys mind on taking a look again? :) here's an example file, since I'm sure that'll be much more efficient :)

Hi ,

Try this :


entered as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER. Copy it down.

I have used the comma , since that is my version's separator ; please use what ever is appropriate to your version.

Hi MrBramme

You could try:


