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Search results

  1. Busymanjohn

    Percentrank with multiple criteria

    Try the attached ,,,, remember with an array formula you have to press Ctl + Shift + Enter at the same time.
  2. Busymanjohn

    Percentrank with multiple criteria

    Can you post a sample file?
  3. Busymanjohn

    Sizing Warehouse Requirements

    Sample file attached ,,,,, should be self explanatory, main table of data shows the info per product item, smaller table to the right is a summary of the total dimensions for each storage type ( pallet, shlef, floor ) as well as number of each storage type. From this data I need to work out how...
  4. Busymanjohn

    Sizing Warehouse Requirements

    I have a poser for the guru's and ninja's ..... I am looking to create a model in Excel that will allow me to work out the capacity ( warehouse space ) need for a set of products. I have the dimensions of the products themselves and can work out if they will fit on a shelf or a pallet ( in a...
  5. Busymanjohn

    Percentrank with multiple criteria

    See if this helps .... http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/290247-percentrank-multiple-conditions.html
  6. Busymanjohn

    Query regarding linking in 2 excel workbooks

    Hey, Never tried this, but you could try this ,,,,, on the Data tab, click Connections, you should be able to link two workbooks that way, but never tried it myself.
  7. Busymanjohn

    Change ThisWorkbook Code

    What?? Are you asking if there is a macro code that will change each of the 100 workbooks??
  8. Busymanjohn

    Hi Hui, I have emailed Chandoo, but I know he is a busy person ,,,, I purchased the Excel...

    Hi Hui, I have emailed Chandoo, but I know he is a busy person ,,,, I purchased the Excel Wedding Planner file back in 2011 and my daughter announced a month or so ago that she is planning to get married next year, so I thought about using the wedding planner file, but cannot find it ( I think...
  9. Busymanjohn

    Excel Wedding Planner

    Thanks guys, appreciate the replies, I really need the full version, this looks like a read only version.
  10. Busymanjohn

    Inventory ordering

    Hi, sorry for the late reply, not had much time to look over this ,,, but a good reference point is this ... https://www.lokad.com/calculate-safety-stocks-with-sales-forecasting Let me know how you get on if that helps or not.
  11. Busymanjohn

    Inventory ordering

    Can you post an example file?
  12. Busymanjohn

    Need a formula

    Try this in Col C ,,, =IF(A2="TBD","",MATCH(B2,LARGE(IF($A$2:$A$15=A2,$B$2:$B$15),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&COUNTIF($A$2:$A$15,A2)))),0)) I put TBD into some of the cells in Col A as I don't know what else you would have other than "wait list" in Col A ..... the formula is an array formula, so must be...
  13. Busymanjohn

    Excel Wedding Planner

    Hi All, I have written to Chandoo separately on this, but also wanted to check within the Forum Guru's ..... I purchased a copy of the excellent Excel Wedding Planner from Chandoo and Kevin back in 2011 ,,,, long story short, I cannot find it ( I think it's stored on an old corrupt laptop ) ...
  14. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    Yeah, wasn't even for me, was for a senior manager, let's see how often it gets used and if they decide to make changes ..... but they have what they asked for, I was on the right track, just couldn't figure out the last piece of the puzzle ,,, which is why I love this site, so many helpful...
  15. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    That works ,,,,, I was starting to look at Helper columns as well, you beat me to it, Thanks, appreciate the help :)
  16. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    Hi, They actually shipped on 04/08/2014, same BR DO No., so the formula should not count them as the BR DO No. appears as shipped on 04/08/2014, they show up on the report I receive as it is a data dump from a system that show all data either shipped or not, it's the BR DO No. that is unique in...
  17. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    Works to a certain extent, although it returns a value of 3,991 on 05/08/14, when in fact that qty actually shipped on 04/08/14, snapshot attached to show what I mean, your formula results are on the right ,,,, the left hand side is what it should look like ...
  18. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    File posted here .... http://www.fileswap.com/dl/9HE86QTkAf/
  19. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    Hi, B7 contains a part number ,,,, 123456abc and M6 contains the heading Shipped, the formula currently returns the correct information in that for 123456abc that have shipped and looks at Frequency of BR DO No. returns the value of 4,571 ( the qty of that part number that have shipped and not...
  20. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    Hi, file would not upload, below is a snapshot of the data, let me know if this helps.
  21. Busymanjohn

    Frequency function

    Hi all, I am using the following array formula =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF($B$7:$B$500=B7,IF($I$7:$I$500=M$6,MATCH($D$7:$D$500,$D$7:$D$500,0))),ROW($B$7:$B$500)-ROW($C$7)+1)>0,$C$7:$C$500)) it works fine and returns the right info, but I would like to add one more criteria ,,, for data in Col H ...
  22. Busymanjohn

    Simple copy macro not working

    Hi Hui, sorry I haven't replied sooner, managed to get your solution to work, saved and closed workbook, re-opened and it worked, no idea why, but at least it works now, Thanks for your help :)
  23. Busymanjohn

    Simple copy macro not working

    Hi Hui, still not working .... doesn't seem to like the Sheets("Ball Scores").Select line
  24. Busymanjohn

    Simple copy macro not working

    Hi Hui, stopping on this line .... ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Picture 4")).Select
  25. Busymanjohn

    Simple copy macro not working

    Hi Hui, getting same error ....