Hi all, I am using the following array formula =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF($B$7:$B$500=B7,IF($I$7:$I$500=M$6,MATCH($D$7:$D$500,$D$7:$D$500,0))),ROW($B$7:$B$500)-ROW($C$7)+1)>0,$C$7:$C$500))
it works fine and returns the right info, but I would like to add one more criteria ,,, for data in Col H ... so an IF(H$7:H$500=L7 ..... but I get an error when I try to put it into the formula, any ideas?
it works fine and returns the right info, but I would like to add one more criteria ,,, for data in Col H ... so an IF(H$7:H$500=L7 ..... but I get an error when I try to put it into the formula, any ideas?