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Need a formula


New Member
I want all cells in column cell A that have the name 'wait list' to be ranked by that related column cell B's date in descending order in the related cell C 1 through 15. I do not want to use a pivot table.

I think its doable using sumproduct formula could you upload a sample workbook.

Try this in Col C ,,, =IF(A2="TBD","",MATCH(B2,LARGE(IF($A$2:$A$15=A2,$B$2:$B$15),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&COUNTIF($A$2:$A$15,A2)))),0))

I put TBD into some of the cells in Col A as I don't know what else you would have other than "wait list" in Col A ..... the formula is an array formula, so must be confirmed with control + shift + enter instead of just hitting enter key.
I tried using that formula but it did not number the dates in order. It put NA# where it did not say waitlist and it left the cell blank where it said waitlist. I uploaded a sample file.


  • Sample.xlsx
    9.5 KB · Views: 3

Use the following formula.

=IF([@Status]="Enrolled","",SUMPRODUCT(--([@Status]=[Status]),--([@[Waitlist Date]]>[Waitlist Date]))+1)



  • Sample.xlsx
    10.1 KB · Views: 3