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Inventory ordering

Hi I was struggling to put a formula for inventory ordering :-

Lead time60Days
Buffer Stock21Days
Daily consumption30KG
Ordering cycle2Times in a month

If I have to create a ROL ..(Reordeing level) .. which is Lead time X average daily consumption + buffer stock) , which means my ROL will be (60X30)+(21X30)=2430

How will i calculate the required quantity ..means for how many days i have to order so that my buffer stock always remain for 21 days

Secondly if there are products at Port , In-Transit and in Production ..
if it is at Port - it will take 10 days for clearance
In Transit - it will take 25 days (15 days sailing and 10 days Port clearance )
In production it will take 45 days (Production + Sailing + Port clearance)

File attached


  • Inventory Projection file.xlsx
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