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Sizing Warehouse Requirements


I have a poser for the guru's and ninja's ..... I am looking to create a model in Excel that will allow me to work out the capacity ( warehouse space ) need for a set of products. I have the dimensions of the products themselves and can work out if they will fit on a shelf or a pallet ( in a racking system ) or need to be located on floor space. So if a product is less than say 0.3 cubic meters it will fit on a shelf, if it is less than 1.2 cubic meters it can fit on a pallet, anything larger is located on the floor.

Now obviously for racking and floor space I need to incorporate access space for loading and picking ( fork lift trucks etc ).

Sounds simple enough, but more complicated than I first thought. I can work out the overall cubic meters for the products that will fit on pallets and work out how many pallets I need by summing the product dimensions for pallet items and counting the number of pallets.

Does anyone know of an Excel solution / Model that does capacity or warehouse sizing that I can utilise for my needs?
As always do you want to post a worksheet with sizing and the warehouse size, you may also have totals of each product required etc?
Sample file attached ,,,,, should be self explanatory, main table of data shows the info per product item, smaller table to the right is a summary of the total dimensions for each storage type ( pallet, shlef, floor ) as well as number of each storage type. From this data I need to work out how much space is required to store these items ( I know the table to the right says 1,428 cubic meters, but it's not a simple as that ) .... also need to add in access space for each storage type, e.g. pallets stored in a racking system will require access space of 3.5m for a fork lift truck and the rack will not be fully utilised ( i.e. there will be empty space around the pallet ), the racking system will be 8 racks high ( so if a rack height is 2.5m then the total height would be 20m ). Let me know if you have any questions ,,, I think the more you think about this you will see it may not be so straight forward.


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