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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hey! I've been working with Excel on and off in my university studies. I'm currently working on finishing my master's thesis at McMaster University in Canada. My research deals with water security in rural, resource-limited communities. I'm developing a self-assessment tool (in Excel) as a means for participation and empowerment.

Also just married this June :)

Loving Chandoo! So helpful, amazing. Thanks!
Hey y'all,

As a 20-something nerd I've been "using" Excel since middle school but it was in college as an electrical engineering student where I first started using it often. Now the "excel hero" of energy efficiency non-profit I work at, I'm interested in learning new techniques for visual stunning, technically sound dashboards, tables and more. I semi-miss programming (Java, C, etc) but not enough to switch careers. I'm happy going on a few roof tops a day. Trying to keep my programming arm strong by learning macros in Excel.

For fun I like to bake, and luckily to swim laps. Sort of balances out.
Hi all, Gary from Sydney Australia, I'm a retired Truck driver. before that I worked at Commodore Computers Australia in the 80s & 90s.

I also ran a BBS years before the Internet, to past time now, I have learned HTML & CSS & have done a few websits, I used spreadsheets at Commodore that being Lotus 1-2-3, VisiCalc & some more, I only use Excel for little things like storing my passing words, movie & music list.

but now I was ask my mate to do a spreadsheet for him, this got a bit more of learning of Excel, so after a lot searching I found Chandoo's this site has great tips & has help me a lot.

keep up the great work
I'm based in the UK and have used this site for a year or so. I was that engrossed in the articles that I only recently realised there was even a forum! I used to consider myself as 'intermediate' in Excel, but this site blows my mind! There is so much to learn, I'm maybe an 'advanced novice' :)

I mainly use Excel 2003 at work, but I have Excel 2007 on my laptop, I'm not really use to 2007, I find the ribbon so frustrating, everything takes me 5 times as long to complete. I guess I really need to force myself to stick to 2007.

I'm based in the UK and using excel more and more in work. This site has been absolutely incredible for helping me.

I am Sadhana and having too much interest in excel capabilitites being a Project Manager.


Hi everyone!!!

Im Daniele from Italy, just discovered this superb website that probably will help me a lot in the next future. In addition think I'm going to spend many hours here cause it should solve a lot of financial matters that currently I'm facing and board's reporting as well.

Saviour-V from Malaysia, here. Hope this message shows up. I think I missed the confirmation email or something, since my first post hasn't shown up anywhere.
On a side note, does anyone know the contact e-mail of the forum administrator? Need to contact him / her because the topic I posted in "Ask an Excel Question" yesterday didn't show up at all. I think it's because I might have accidentally deleted the registration confirmation e-mail; it must've ended up in my Junk Mail folder by mistake or something.



Marked as not spam on 274/11/2012 01:00 GMT-3.

Next time please start a new topic like this but in "Ask an Excel Question", not it "Introduce yourself". SirJB7.
Hi, I am Vikram from India. I am from Financial & IT background (Chartered Accountant, CFA(US) & CISA(US)) and I also teach Excel / VBA at beapro.in

Good to see active community dedicated for Excel. I look forward to contribute / share more to this community.
Re-introducing myself with a better intro. Hello, folks! ^_^

Saviour-V from Malaysia, here. Hoping to make the most out this place.

Judging from the posts I've read on the main site, I never thought you could do a whole lot of interesting things with Excel. Makes me cringe whenever some people sometimes use it to make letters and forms here in the office, though.

And, in reference to another post on the main site, I hope I can get myself a large enough Money Mustache. ^_~ *winks knowingly at Chandoo...*

Also, I happen to use Japanese smileys a bit on occasion, but if anyone has trouble figuring out what I mean by them, do feel free to ask me about them.

One of the most used is "^_^;;" which usually means that I'm grinning nervously at a situation; the ";;" are the number of sweat drops pouring down the side of my face. The more there are, the more nervous I am. Heh.

Although I sometimes have a tendency to abuse the emoticons, I'll do my best not to overdo it.

Anyway, let's make the most of things, shall we? See you guys soon!
Hi, I am Rob from the Netherlands! I've been following Chandoo for a number of years now but never joined the forum. As I am determined to become better in Excel, I've decided this is the time to do so.

Looking forward to connecting with fellow Excel enthusiasts..
Heyyy everybody,

My name is Christian. I'm an art dealer. I want to be awesome at excel also! I'm not a heavy user, but I realize it can make my life a lotttt easier.


Hi, I'm Terry from snowy northern US. I started using spreadsheets, Lotus 123, back in the DOS days. I mention this only because sometimes I get very frustrated when I can't figure out how to do something in Excel that I remember doing in Lotus. Looking forward to seeing different ideas and solutions as I use Excel extensively.
Hello all. Hailing from South Africa, i am the Ginger ninja! (Gareth to the normal people :))

I've been lurking on the site for a couple of years and felt i need to start contributing and being able ask questions, so i now make myself known. The site is awesome and has taught me a lot that i couldn't find elsewhere via google. My job doesn't really involve excel, but i use it for gathering and sorting all my production data, and with all the amazing features i can make that part of my job quick and painless and have detailed/interactive charts that tell a whole story!
Hi All,

My Name is Farooq and I am student of Cost Management Accounting...am glad to find this website!! :) I see my elder brother "Faseeh" being here so it thought to give this a try lets see what i learn from here...

Hi all

I'm Glen from Newport, Wales.

Brief bio:

High School Science Teacher

Data nut

Love visualization

Looking to contribute / ask / learn and all things Excel.

Hi, Ola from Sweden here, been reading the RSS feed for awhile, thought I should register and join the conversation.

Works as an accountant and the main tools of my trade is Excel and Qlikview.

Hopes to become awesome in excel :)

Dear All,

Deepak From India. Works as a Business Analyst in an MNC.

I am currently in a project which is excel driven. By knowing more about Excel , i think i can bring lot of value add in the project and a long term advantage for me as well.

Hoping to interact with you guys. & thanks to Chandu!!! amazing work....


Hi. I'm ET writing from Toronto (although original from Argentina).

Not sure how I came acress Chandoo's site, but I've been following the blog for some month snow and thoroughly enjoy it.

Find it is a very accesible source of advance and above all, innovative solutions in xl. Love the Formulas Forensic!

Will surelly be posting in here soon. Regards,

Hello Folks,

I am new, and hope someone can tell me what is the best method or program

to setup and PRINT reports from our excel worksheets and data

Thank You. I have been searching for the correct software, with no luck
