Re-introducing myself with a better intro. Hello, folks! ^_^
Saviour-V from Malaysia, here. Hoping to make the most out this place.
Judging from the posts I've read on the main site, I never thought you could do a whole lot of interesting things with Excel. Makes me cringe whenever some people sometimes use it to make letters and forms here in the office, though.
And, in reference to another post on the main site, I hope I can get myself a large enough Money Mustache. ^_~ *winks knowingly at Chandoo...*
Also, I happen to use Japanese smileys a bit on occasion, but if anyone has trouble figuring out what I mean by them, do feel free to ask me about them.
One of the most used is "^_^;;" which usually means that I'm grinning nervously at a situation; the ";;" are the number of sweat drops pouring down the side of my face. The more there are, the more nervous I am. Heh.
Although I sometimes have a tendency to abuse the emoticons, I'll do my best not to overdo it.
Anyway, let's make the most of things, shall we? See you guys soon!